How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Poison Phrases 19

You know

Why would you ruin a perfectly powerful sentence by
adding words with no meaning? Imagine a song that said, “Um,
you, like, uh...light up my life.” Those fillers would have
made the difference between the hit song it was and a flop that
you never would have heard of. It makes the same difference in
your speech. When you use meaningless fillers, your message is
weakened and your words carry less impact because the good
words are diluted by your Respect-Robbing Poison Phrases.

  1. Do you use QualifierRespect-Robbing Poison Phrases
    that discount your words before they are spoken, such as

I sort of
I just
I’m wondering if
It kind of
It seems like
I could be wrong, but
This I just a thought I’m having
Sorry to bother you
I have one little question
Maybe we could
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