How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

24 Why PowerPhrases?

Let’s schedule lunch.
I will call you before Friday.

you believe it will happen.

  1. Do you use the Negative Respect-Robbing Poison
    Phrases—the ones that can be make you sound defeated before
    you begin? These phrases focus on what you don’t want, on
    what isn’t working, and on what is wrong, rather than what you
    do want, what is working, and what is right. Some of these
    phrases start with

I’ll have to
I can’t
It doesn’t
I’m not good at
If only

Are you depressed from hearing these words yet? When you

I’ll have to...

you sound like a victim. Poor you—you have to do something.
Imagine if you are employed where calls need to be transferred.
If you say,

I’ll have to transfer you to customer support.
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