How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

28 Why PowerPhrases?

I don’t feel heard.
I need better quality.

You can say the same thing in PowerPhrases without the
poison label. As soon as you label someone, he will resist or live
down to your expectation.

  1. Do you ever use AbsoluteVicious Venom Poison Phrases
    that maim? When you speak in absolutes, you attempt to stack
    the deck in your favor. It might work in the short run, but in
    the long run it will stack against you. Avoid phrases that include

every time

It is rare that someone is always late and he will resist your
suggestion that he is. It is an unusual person who never is sup-
portive. If you claim he is, you will create resistance. It is excep-
tional that we can say something happens every time, and
usually our complaints about everything overlook some things
that are appropriate. So forget the absolutes and be more spe-
cific and factual.

  1. Do NegativeVicious Venom Poison Phrases that maim
    find their way into your vocabulary? Do you talk more about
    what you don’t want than what you want? Do you talk more
    about what you are trying to avoid than what you are trying to
    create? Passive Negative Respect-Robbing Phrases that weaken

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