How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Poison Phrases 27

Vicious Venom Poison Phrases That

Overpower and Maim

I bet you have also used Poison Phrases that are too strong or
that plant a bit of your venom in your listener/victim. I bet you
have gone from holding back to attacking. I bet you have gone
from smiling to defiling. You know why I think it’s likely?
Because it’s part of being normal! I’ve done it, your neighbor
has done it, your favorite boss has done it, and I bet you have,
too! See if any of these Poison Phrases remind you of you.

  1. Have you used Vicious Venom Poison Phrases that maim
    by Labeling? Have you ever called someone a name or expressed
    a judgment about someone as if your judgment was the truth?
    I bet you have! Watch out for anything that starts with the
    words “you are.” Phrases such as

You’re an idiot.
You’re a bully.
You’re selfish.
You’re a bad listener.
You’re cheap.

are poisonous phrases—every one. Avoid labeling! Say,

I see it differently.
I am offended by your words.
I am not getting what I need to make this worth my
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