How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

32 Why PowerPhrases?

This phrase assumes that no call came because the listener
didn’t care and carries on from there. Leave out the assumption
and SpeakTall by saying,

When I didn’t hear from you, I made the decision

Avoid saying,

If you loved me, you would get a decent job.

This remark assumes that the listener’s job choice is a reflection
on love or the lack of it. Instead, express the situation from your
own perspective. Say,

It’s important to me that you carry your weight finan-

Avoid saying,

Why do you like to make me look stupid?

That statement implies the listener gets pleasure out of making
you look stupid. Instead say,

I believe what you did made me look stupid.

Address concerns directly, but don’t slip them in like a Trojan
Horse with another point.

  1. Finally, have you ever blamed someone for something?
    Blame is Vicious Venom and those Poison Phrases that maim.

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