How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Secret #4: The Power of the Simple Truth 65

I feel that you are harsh.
I feel that you could get the answers for yourself without
interrupting me.

None of those are feeling. They are thoughts. Feelings in
these situations could be

I feel ignored.
I feel attacked.
I feel frustrated.

Somewhere in what you tell yourself are the words that you
can tell someone else for results. You take a risk when you open
up and express what you really mean and allow yourself to be
vulnerable. Where you risk most is where you stand to gain
most. Are you willing to risk saying what you really mean in
your mind and in your heart?
This week let someone know what you really mean. Don’t
look to the polls for your answers. Tell them what you think,
feel, and want. Speak your simple truth.

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