How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Secret #5: Protect the Integrity of Your Words 67

The flip side of saying what you mean is to mean what you
say. That means you back your words up with actions. Your
words are as powerful as your commitment to them.
In a previous chapter, I talked about Vince who threatened
his partner with quitting. I told you Vince didn’t really mean
what he said. The reason I knew Vince didn’t really mean it was
because he had made many idle threats throughout his years of
working with Shelly. He has a history of saying things he does-
n’t mean and so his words have lost power. Your word is your
bond and you must respect your own words if you want any-
one else to.
People respect people who do what they say. If you do not
respect your own words, what makes you think anyone else will?
If you don’t mean it, don’t say it. Avoid saying,

I’ll be there at 3:00 p.m.

and then show up at 4:00 p.m. Avoid saying,

The check’s in the mail.

if it isn’t. Avoid saying,

I can’t talk right now.

and then stay on the line for ten minutes. If you do not back
your words up with action, you teach people your words have
no meaning. You lose their respect.
Parents do this all the time. Do you know children who
only respond when their parents yell? They do this because their
parents yell when they finally mean what they say. Children
know that until the parent yells, the words are empty. Cowork-

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