Destiny Disrupted
The Hijra Year Zero 622 CE I N THE LATE sixth century of the Christian age, a number of cities flour- ished along the Arabian co ...
18 DESTINY DISRUPTED who lived in the desert, but others were town dwellers. Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, was born and raised ...
THE HIJRA 19 proached the age of forty, he began to suffer what we might now call a midlife crisis. He grew troubled about the m ...
20 DESTINY DISRUPTED more thunderous and terrifying. At home, he told Khadija what had hap- pened, and she assured him that he w ...
THE HIJRA 21 notion, any limit. There is only God and all the rest is God's creation: this was the message he was delivering to ...
22 DESTINY DISRUPTED was an agricultural rather than a commercial town and it was torn by con- flict because its inhabitants bel ...
THE HIJRA 23 Medina against outside attack. Although this document has been called the first written constitution, it was really ...
24 DESTINY DISRUPTED means "severing of ties." People who joined the community in Medina re- nounced tribal bonds and accepted t ...
THE HIJRA 25 When you look at the verses revealed in Medina, you still find much passionate, lyrical, and imprecatory language, ...
26 DESTINY DISRUPTED the Meccan emigrants faced: how to support themselves now that they had lost their goods and businesses.) A ...
THE HIJRA 27 Thus, the battle of Badr showed that Allah's will, not material factors, de- termined victory in battle. But the ba ...
28 DESTINY DISRUPTED blew up-no small matter in this landscape-they drifted off, and soon the Quraysh gave up and went home too. ...
THE HIJRA 29 Mohammed never claimed supernatural powers. He never claimed the ability to raise the dead, walk on water, or make ...
30 DESTINY DISRUPTED "the realm of peace." Everyone else was living out there in Dar al-Harb, the realm of war. Those who joined ...
THE HIJRA 31 just as men had rights over women, and to recognize that among Muslims no one stood higher or lower than anyone els ...
Birth of the Khalifate 11-24 AH 632-644 CE D EVOTED MUSLIMS SEE the whole of Mohammed's life as a religious metaphor illuminatin ...
34 DESTINY DISRUPTED significant events. He was the first of his line to write the whole story down, but most of his book has be ...
BIRTH OF THE KHALIFATE 35 has survived. We have only the story of the story of the story, a sifting process that has drawn the m ...
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