Destiny Disrupted

(Ann) #1


Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, 83, 84-86,
See also Saffah
Abbas the Great, 188, 189, 219
Abbasid age/khalifate
Ali descendants and, 87
Baghdad and, 87-89
bodyguards (mamluks), 121-122,
123, 124
bureaucracy, 121
description, 120-121, 121(fig.)
economy/commerce, 86, 88
orthodox Islam and, 87
overview, 86-89
Persian mini dynasties, 123, 125
Persian viziers, 122-123
philosophy and, 100, 105-106
Shi'ism and, 86-87, 120
Turk barbarians and, 122, 123-124
Abbasid revolution, 82, 83, 84, 85(fig.)
Abduh, Mohammed, 268, 308, 354
Abdul Rahman/ the Third, 118, 120
Abdullah (Hashimite), 311
Abdullah (Othman's foster brother),
56, 58
Abraham, prophet, 17, 20, 284, 322
Abu al-Abbas, 83

Abu Bakr
Mohammed and, 21, 22, 31
Othman (khalifa) and, 54
as successor/beliefs, 33, 36, 38-40,
41,43,49, 56,71
Abu Muslim, 82-83, 84, 85, 85(fig.), 86
Abu Sufyan, 54, 57
Abu Talib, 18, 21
Abyssinia and Mohammed's followers,
Adultery, 50
Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, The
(Morier), 277
Mdal, al-, 139-140


9/11 and aftermath, 347, 351-352
abandonment by Europe/U.S., 347
Anglo-Mghan wars, 239, 240
"Great Game" (Russia/Britain), 236,
237(fig.), 238-239, 240-241, 310,
independence,268, 307
secular modernism, 304, 305, 307,
Soviet Union invasion, 344, 346
Taliban, 11, 308, 347, 352
VVahhabism, 306, 307
VVater Carrier's Son, 307-308
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