Destiny Disrupted

(Ann) #1

nation-states and, 213, 214
See also specific languages
Latin language, 203-204
Lawrence, Thomas Edward ("Lawrence
of Arabia"), 296
League of Nations, 311
France and, 311
Israeli invasions, 344
Leibniz, Gottfried, 357
Lenin, Vladimir, 304, 307
Lepanto battle (1571), 221
Levant, 49, 80, 144, 149
Lewis, Bernard, 159
Lincoln, Abraham, 283
Luther, Martin, 207-208, 212

Madrassas, 128, 258
Mahdi ("expected one"), 175, 185, 268
Maher, Bill, 164
Mahmud, Sultan, 124-125, 126
Malik, Ibn, 98
Malik Shah, Sultan, 127-128, 132
Maliki school, 98
Malouf, Amin, 130
Mamluk rule, Egypt, 157, 242-243
Mamluks, 121-122, 123, 124, 157
Mandates plan, 310-313, 312(fig.)
Mansur as khalifa, 86, 87
Manzikert battle (1071 CE), 127,
Marathas, 231
Maronite Christians, 311
Marwan, 58-59
Marx, Karl, 275
Masud, Sultan, 125-126
Mathematics, 5, 6, 101
Mathnawi Ma'nawi Qalaludin-i Rumi),
Mazzini, Joseph, 281-282, 283

battles with Medina, 25-28
Mohammed's birth/early life, 18-22
pilgrimages, 21, 30-31, 68
religion as business, 18, 21
Medicine foundation/innovations, 6,
Mohammed's work in, 22-23,
Pact of Medina, 22-23, 26
See also Yathrib
Mediterranean world
before Islam, 1, 2(fig.), 3-4
Middle World and, 3-4, 12
Mehmet, Sultan/"the Conqueror,"
174-175, 177
Mercantilism, 215-216
Meritocracy, 157
Mesopotamia, 4, 5-7, 8-9
Michelangelo, 194, 203
Middle World
before Islam, 4-13, 14-15, 15(fig.)
Mediterranean world and, 3-4, 12
"Middle East" and, 1, 3
overland routes, 2(fig.)
Milestones (Qutb), 327
Mirza Habib, 277
Mirza Taqi (Amir Kabir), 276, 305
Moat, Battle of the, 27-28, 55
description, 250, 251
See also Secular modernism
Moghul Empire
art! architecture, 19 3-194
decline, 231-241
Din-i Illahi ("the God Religion''),
guns/ gunpowder and, 191
Hindus and, 192, 193, 195,
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