Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Excel 11

A single workbook can have as many as 255 worksheets. The names of
the sheets appear on tabs at the bottom of the workbook window. In the Park
workbook, the fi rst sheet is named Total Usage and contains information on
the number of visitors at each location in the park over the previous year.
The sheet shows both a table of visitor counts and a chart with the same in-
formation. Note that the chart has been placed within the worksheet. Placing
an object like a chart on a worksheet is known as embedding. Glancing over
the table and chart, we see that the peak-usage months were May through
The second tab is named Usage Chart and contains another chart of park
usage. After the fi rst two sheets are worksheets devoted to usage data from
each month of the year. Your next task will be to move between the various
sheets in the Park workbook.

Scrolling through a Workbook

To move from one sheet to another, you can either click the various sheet
tabs in the workbook or use the navigational buttons located at the bottom
of the workbook window. Table 1-3 provides a description of these buttons.

Active sheet Sheet tabs

Figure 1-8
The Park
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