Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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In addition to these, we note that the gradient operation also obeys the chain

rule as in ordinary differential calculus, i.e. ifφandψare scalar fields in some





10.7.2 Divergence of a vector field

Thedivergenceof a vector fielda(x, y, z) is defined by







, (10.33)

whereax,ayandazare thex-,y-andz- components ofa. Clearly,∇·ais a scalar

field. Any vector fieldafor which∇·a= 0 is said to besolenoidal.

Find the divergence of the vector fielda=x^2 y^2 i+y^2 z^2 j+x^2 z^2 k.

From (10.33) the divergence ofais given by

∇·a=2xy^2 +2yz^2 +2x^2 z=2(xy^2 +yz^2 +x^2 z).

We will discuss fully the geometric definition of divergence and its physical

meaning in the next chapter. For the moment, we merely note that the divergence

can be considered as a quantitative measure of how much a vector field diverges

(spreads out) or converges at any given point. For example, if we consider the

vector fieldv(x, y, z) describing the local velocity at any point in a fluid then∇·v

is equal to the net rate of outflow of fluid per unit volume, evaluated at a point

(by letting a small volume at that point tend to zero).

Now if some vector fieldais itself derived from a scalar field viaa=∇φthen

∇·ahas the form∇·∇φor, as it is usually written,∇^2 φ,where∇^2 (del squared)

is the scalar differential operator

∇^2 ≡






. (10.34)

∇^2 φis called theLaplacianofφand appears in several important partial differ-

ential equations of mathematical physics, discussed in chapters 20 and 21.

Find the Laplacian of the scalar fieldφ=xy^2 z^3.

From (10.34) the Laplacian ofφis given by

∇^2 φ=

∂^2 φ


∂^2 φ


∂^2 φ

=2xz^3 +6xy^2 z.
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