Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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are self-cancelling, as discussed previously. However, the ends of the contourmust

be in regions where the integrand is vanishingly small, and so at each end of

the level line we need to add a further section of path that makes the contour

terminate correctly.

Fortunately, this can be done without adding to the value of the integral. This

is because, as noted in the second paragraph following equation (25.67), far from

the saddle the level line will be at a finite height up a ‘precipitous cliff’ that

separates the region where the integrand grows without limit from the one where

it tends to zero. To move down the cliff-face into the zero-level valley requires

an ever smaller step the further we move away from the saddle; as the integrand

is finite, the contribution to the integral is vanishingly small. In figure 25.12, this

additional piece of path length might, for example, correspond to the infinitesimal

move from a point on the large positivex-axis (whereh(z) has value 1) to a point

just above it (whereh(z)≈0).

Now that formula (25.73) has been justified, we may note that it is exactly

the same as that for the method of steepest descents, equation (25.66). A similar

calculation using the level line on which the phase is a maximum also reproduces

the steepest-descents formula. It would appear that ‘all roads lead to Rome’.

However, as we explain later, some roads are more difficult than others. Where

a problem involves using more than one saddle point, if the steepest-descents

approach is tractable, it will usually be the more straight forward to apply.

Typical amplitude-phase diagrams for an integration along a level line that

goes straight through the saddle are shown in parts (a) and (b) of figure 25.14.

The value of the integral is given, in both magnitude and phase, by the vector

vjoining the initial to the final winding points and, of course, is the same in

both cases. Part (a) corresponds to the case of the phase being a minimum at the

saddle; the vector path crossesvat an angle of−π/4. When a path on which the

phase at the saddle is a maximum is used, the Cornu spiral is as in part (b) of

the figure; then the vector path crossesvat an angle of +π/4. As can be seen,

the two spirals are mirror images of each other.

Clearly a straight-through level line path will start and end in different zero-

level valleys. For one that turns through a right angle at the saddle point, the

end-point could be in a different valley (for a function such as exp(−z^2 ), there is

only one other) or in the same one. In the latter case the integral will give a zero

value, unless a singularity ofh(z) happens to have been enclosed by the contour.

Parts (c) and (d) of figure 25.14 illustrate the phase–amplitude diagrams for these

two cases. In (c) the path turns through a right angle (+π/2, as it happens) at the

saddle point, but finishes up in a different valley from that in which it started. In

(d) it also turns through a right angle but returns to the same valley, albeit close

to the other precipice from that near its starting point. This makes no difference

and the result is zero, the two half spirals in the diagram producing resultants

that cancel.

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