Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1

26.7 The quotient law

An operation that produces the opposite effect – namely, generates a tensor

of smaller rather than larger order – is known ascontractionand consists of

making two of the subscripts equal and summing over all values of the equalised


Show that the process of contraction of anNth-order tensor produces another tensor, of
orderN− 2.

LetTij···l···m···kbe the components of anNth-order tensor, then

︸ ︷︷ ︸


Thus if, for example, we make the two subscriptslandmequal and sum over all values
of these subscripts, we obtain

= LipLjq···Lkn
︸ ︷︷ ︸
(N−2) factors


showing thatTij···l···l···kare the components of a (different) Cartesian tensor of order

For a second-rank tensor, the process of contraction is the same as taking the

trace of the corresponding matrix. The traceTiiitself is thus a zero-order tensor

(or scalar) and hence invariant under rotations, as was noted in chapter 8.

The process of taking the scalar product of two vectors can be recast into tensor

language as forming the outer productTij=uivjof two first-order tensorsuand

vand then contracting the second-order tensorTso formed, to giveTii=uivi,a

scalar (invariant under a rotation of axes).

As yet another example of a familiar operation that is a particular case of a

contraction, we may note that the multiplication of a column vector [ui]bya

matrix [Bij] to produce another column vector [vi],


can be looked upon as the contractionTijjof the third-order tensorTijkformed

from the outer product ofBijanduk.

26.7 The quotient law

The previous paragraph appears to give a heavy-handed way of describing a

familiar operation, but it leads us to ask whether it has a converse. To put the

question in more general terms: if we know thatBandCare tensors and also


Apq···k···mBij···k···n=Cpq···mij···n, (26.25)
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