Finch, C. S., III. (1998).The Star of Deep Beginnings:
The Genesis of African Science and Technology.
Decatur, GA: Khenti.
Shaw, I., & Nicholson, P. (1995).The Dictionary of
Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press.
Ezili Dantò is one of the personae of Ezili, the
most important and revered female spirit or Lwa
of the Vodu religious tradition in Haiti. Other
major Ezili personae include Ezili Freda, Grann
Ezili, Ezili Zye-Wouj, Ezili Mapyan, and Ezili
Lemba. Ezili is known as the “Lwa of Love,” the
symbol of cosmic fertility par excellence, mother
of the universe, and the giver of children. It is
Ezili, indeed, who is responsible for the continu-
ous flow of life.
Ezili Dantò is the Petro manifestation of Ezili.
Petro Lwa, which, according to many scholars,
developed in Haiti (as opposed to being directly
imported from West Africa, where Vodu origi-
nated), are characterized by their hot energy and
short temper. Thus, although Ezili Freda (the
Rada manifestation of Ezili) is generally gener-
ous and gracious, if not a bit frivolous and vain,
Ezili Dantò, in contrast, can become enraged
and threatening when displeased by one of her
Ezili Dantò is commonly represented as a black
woman/virgin, carrying on her left arm a black
female infant dressed with pink clothes. On her
right cheek, one may discern quite clearly two
parallel vertical scars. Although some Vodu devo-
tees attribute those facial marks to Ezili Dantò’s
African origins, others maintain that it was while
fighting against the white colonists during the rev-
olutionary war that Ezili Dantò’s face was thus
wounded. Also, sometimes, Ezili Dantò is repre-
sented with a chopped off nose, and this also is
believed by many to be the result of a wound
suffered in combat.
Ezili Dantò, it is said, is a quite independent
woman, the mother of seven children, whom she
raises by herself. Her children’s fathers include the
Lwa Ogu, her most frequently mentioned lover,
but also Ti-Jan Petwo. Her color is turquoise blue
and her day is Tuesday, the day of Petro Lwa. Her
favorite food is pork, while her favorite drink is
crème de cacao, a dark brown cacao-based liquor.
She is fond of money, clothing, but especially of
dolls, and she enjoys receiving them as gifts.
Ama Mazama
SeealsoLwa; Petwo; Vodou in Haiti
Further Readings
Deren, M. (1972).The Divine Horsemen:The Voodoo
Gods of Haiti. New York: Delta.
Desmangles, L. (1994).Faces of the Gods: Vodou and
Roman Catholicism in Haiti. Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press.
McCarthy Brown, K. (1991).Mama Lola: A Vodou
Priestess in Brooklyn. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
Métraux, A. (1958).Le Vaudou Haitien. Paris: Gallimard.
Rigaux, M. (1953).La Tradition Voudoo et Voudoo
Haitien(Son Temple,Ses Mystères,Sa Magie).Paris:
Editions Niclaus.
Ezili’s (also sometimes referred to as Erzulie) full
name is Metrès (Mistress) Mambo Ezili Freda
Dahomey. Each name makes reference to the dif-
ferent aspects of this Lwa of the Rada pantheon of
Vodu in Haiti. She is by far the most popular
female deity in Haiti, where she rules over love,
romance, luxury, gambling luck, abundance, and
refinement. Indeed, she is the symbol of love,
femininity, and beauty. As a result of this close
association of Ezili with womanhood, she is also
perceived as the symbol of sexual fertility, the
giver of children. It is to her that one appeals in
conception and childbearing matters.
The colors that symbolize Ezili are pink and
white. Traditionally, she is served on Thursday
because this is her sacred day. She is depicted as a
rich woman, and in order to serve her, one must
present the most expensive and elegant gifts in
attempts to gain her affections and endowments.
Pink champagne, jewelry, flowers, cakes, fine
cheeses, chocolates, and white doves have been
known to gain her esteem. However, Ezili is
254 Ezili Dantò