Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Chiuta (Chauta) Supreme God of,1:159,
1:421,1: 429
creation story of,2: 560
culture of,1: 159
Ganyu agricultural process of,1: 160
geographic location of,1: 159
God as the “Great Rainbow” concept
of,1: 288
Gule Wamkulu “giant dance” and,1:159–160
Gule Wamkulu male initiation and,1: 160
individual uniqueness proverb of,2: 542
mbonawomen mediums, spirit wives of,1: 421
men’s and women’s roles and,1:159–160
Nyau society of secrets of,1: 159
pottery making restrictions and taboos of,
1: 170
priestesses power of rain and,1:422,2: 560
serpent attributes and,2: 608
sexual intercourse forbidden during pregnancy
and,1: 170
strength of kinship of,1: 159
Chi, 1:160–161
Chi as nonmaterial aspect of a person
and,1: 161
children and ancestors relationship and,1: 161
complex concept of,1:160–161
Creator God of Igbo people,1: 160
idea of choice and,1: 161
ilo uwa“returning again to the world” concept
and,1: 161
the individual and,1: 161
physical form of a person and,1: 160
role of in life chances and possibilities,1: 161
See alsoKa; Nkwa
Children, 1:161–163
African family concepts and,1:258–259
ancestor beliefs and,1:162,1: 342
ancestors and newborn children relationship
ancestral reincarnation and,2: 540
being remembered importance and,1:162,
1:258,1:342,1: 409
Bes deity and,1: 121
blessings to ensure birth of,1: 126
collectiveEgungunrituals and,1: 162
continuation of life and,1: 163
funerary rituals role of,1: 162
infinite and eternal life, without end concept
and,1: 162
kususarite of Chagga people and,1: 157

naming ceremony and,1: 163
role of,1:162–163,1: 409
theophoric names of,1:290–291
See alsoBirth; Naming; Pregnancy;
Procreation; Reincarnation
Chiwara, 1:163–165
agricultural rituals and,1:163,1: 164
antelope as original animal and,1: 163
Bamana people and,1:163–164,1: 226
the legend and,1:163–164
sculpture types of,1:164–165
Chokwe, 1:165–167
ancestor linkage importance to,1:165–166
as Bantu descendants,1: 165
beliefs of,1:165–166
chiefs’ role and,1: 167
drawing technique of,1: 166
gender roles of,1: 166
geographic location of,1: 165
God as social fabric element and,1: 166
Kalunga or Nzambi high God of,1: 166
Lunda Empire and,1: 165
mothers honored by,1:166–167
nature and mysticism importance to,1: 166
oratory in the religious practice of,1: 166
patriarchal society of,1: 166
pride of place and,1: 165
religious practices of,1:166–167
sacred kinship concept of,1: 165
African cosmology and,1: 180
African Independent Churches,1: 299
Africism and,1: 13
Akan people and,1: 24
Amen and,1: 37
the ankh symbol and,1: 61
Auset and Mary relationship and,1: 82
Baganda people and,1: 80
Baga people and,1: 88
Bantu philosophy and,1: 104
Bassa people and,1:109,1: 110
Basuto people and,1: 110
Baya people and,1: 116
in Benin,2: 694
Buguda people and,1: 140
Christian trinity and,2: 672
Dagu people and,1: 191
death rituals and,1: 195
Dinka people and,1: 203
diviners and,1: 206

814 Index

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