geographic location and origins of,
granary symbolism and,1:215–216
insiders and privatevs.outsiders and public
elements of,1: 216
jackal symbolism and,1:41,1: 217
Kurumba and,1: 372
masks used by,2: 621
mortician caste of,2: 621
nayfemale sun and,2: 637
number 7 symbolism of,2:610,2: 611
number 8 symbolism of,2: 464
Ogo pale fox image of,1:41,1: 55
one couple of twin souls and four sex souls
belief of,2: 628
organization and rituals of,1:213,1: 215
public and private aspects of,1: 40
racial differences explanation of,1: 288
rainbow as serpent of Nommo water god
and,2: 608
sene seed as first plant life myth of,1:19,1:40,
1:219,1: 264
See alsoAmma; Dogon religion and science;
Nommo; Tellem
Dogon religion and science, 1:217–220
aboriculture and zoology skills of,
agricultural economy of,1:217–218
astrology knowledge of,1:217,1:218–219
Buddhism similarities to,1:215,1: 218
cosmology of,1: 218
geology and metallurgy skills of,1: 218
granary symbolism and,1:218–219
knowledge sophistication of,1: 217
matter knowledge of,1:219–220
modern science similarities to,1:219–220
Sirius star system knowledge of,1: 219
See alsoNommo
Dreams, 1:220–221
Batonga interpretation of,1: 220
Chester Beatty Papyrus III and,1: 220
diviners interpretation of,1: 417
of Egungun ancestral spirits,1: 231
human and ancestor communication through,
space, time and,2: 629
sunsum and,2: 637
Drum, the, 1:221–223
Bagyendanwa royal drums of Banyankore and,
court drummers of the Timi of Ede and,1: 222
Kumina ritual ceremonies and,1: 371
materials of,1: 221
Petwo ceremonies and,2: 527
of Saramacca people,2: 595
spiritual ceremonies and,1: 222
types of,1: 221
Winti ceremonial drums and,2: 723
Ynvalou dance and,2: 734
Yoruba traditions of,1:111,1:222,1: 435
See alsoBata drums; Dance and song
Duala, 1:223–224
culture of,1: 224
geographic location of,1: 223
history and origins of,1: 223
Mienguwater spirits of,1: 224
Ngondo Festival of,1: 224
patrilineal society of,1: 224
religious practice of,1: 224
slave trade and,1: 223
Duauf philosopher,1: 27
Du Bois, W. E. B.,1: 200
Durkheim, Émile,1:285,2: 502
Dwat, 1:224–225
as dwelling place of deceased ancestors,
eternal life and,1: 248
kaand,1:225,1: 248
Dyow initiations, 1:225–227
of Bamana people,1:225–226
initiation society stages and,1: 226
masks and,1: 226
reincarnation concept and,1: 226
Earth, 1:229–230
as ancestor abode,1: 229
Geb as Earth and,1: 229
humans birthed by,1: 229
as a living entity concept and,1:xxviii
sacredness of,1:229–230
sky and Earth duality and,2:619–620
See alsoAsase Yaa(Mother Earth);Caves;
Lakes; Moon; Mountains and hills; Rivers
and streams; Rocks and stones; Trees;
Water; Wind
Ecumenical Association of African
Theologians,1: 286
Efik, 1:230–231
creation stories of,1:1,1:185,1: 230
European influence on,1: 230
geographic location of,1:2,1: 230
Ibibio people and,1: 230
Index 821