Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Mossi, 1:427–429
ancestral spirits of,1: 427
bird symbolism of,2: 529
dance and song rituals of,1: 194
deities of,1:427,1: 429
geographic location of,1: 427
Guro people conflict with,1: 301
Mossi mask,1: 428
Rogo Mikiway of the ancestors
and,1: 427
sacrifices to shrines and,1: 427
shrines of,1: 427
Tenga SobaEarth priest and,1: 429
umbilical cord tradition of,2: 682
Wende Supreme Being of,1: 427
Wennammanifestation of Wende life force
and,1:427,1: 429
Mountains and hills, 1:429–430
homes of gods in,1: 430
Matopo Hills shrines and,1:xxvi,
1:297–298,2: 581
origin myths and,1: 429
rarity of,1: 429
rituals and,1: 298
sacred realm over humans and,1:429–430
sky, rain, thunder and,1: 430
Mount Cameroon, 1:430–431
agriculture and,1: 431
Bakweri people and,1:430–431
miracles and,1: 430
volcanic eruptions and,1: 430
Mount Kenya, 1:431–433
Kenya’s highest mountain,1: 432
Kikuyu (Gikuyu) people and,1:429,1:430,
1:431–432,2:464,2:610,2: 681
land tenure issue and,1:432–433
mokoyo tree and,1: 433
ongoing impact of,1:432–433
symbolic mountains and,1: 431
Lomwe people of,1: 383
Tsonga people of,2: 672
Yao people of,2: 734
Zulu people of,2: 744
Mummification, 1:433–434
Anubis and,1: 61
Egyptian society and,1: 433
Four Sons of Heru and,1:433–434
linen bandage wrappings and,1: 434
masks and,1: 434

organ removal, placement in viscera jars and,
salting the body and,1: 434
texts included in wrappings and,1: 434
Musharamina, Mulago gwa Chikala,2: 491
Music, 1:434–436
call-and-response element of,1:318,1: 435
to express life through sound goal of,1: 435
human and ancestor communication and,1: 435
sacredness of,1:434–435
supernatural powers of,1: 435
words have magical power and,1: 435
See alsoDance and song
Mutwa, Credo Vusamazulu, 1:436–437
books written by,1: 437
dream interpretation and,1: 221
early years of,1: 436
impact of,1: 437
importance of prediction and,2: 600
as Sangoma and High Sanusi healer,
as “water” of African sacred traditions,1: 436

Barotse people of,1: 108
Ovambo people of,2: 514
Tswana people of,2: 673
Naming, 2:439–440
birth circumstances and,1: 259
color symbolism and,1: 174
community and,2: 571
days of the week and,2:439–440
of Ewe people,1: 251
as indicator of behavior and destiny,
2:439,2:456,2: 726
Luojuoginaming ceremony and,1: 391
newborn and ancestory relationship and,
1:163,2: 571
offerings to ancestors and,2: 440
outdooring ritual and,2:440,2:577,2: 637
of Ovaherero people,2: 513
power of spoken Word and,2:455–456,2: 726
rituals of,2:439–440
special meaning, power, and source of,2: 439
theophoric names and,1:290–291
transmigration of ancestral souls and,1: 125
of Tutsi people,2: 676
words importance and,2: 726
See alsoFamily rites

Index 839
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