two-in-one force of,1:411,1:412,1:413,
2:440–441,2: 692
as Vodun creator couple of Heaven and Earth,
1:411,2: 692
Mbiti, John,1:xxii,1:13,1:124,1:143,1:354,
2:491,2: 664
Medew Netjer (hieroglyphs),1: 269
Medicine, 1:413–419
Batwa people and,1: 114
of Bulu people,1: 142
cults of deities and,1: 418
diviners and,1:417–418
healing power sources and,1: 415
herbalists and,1:416–417
holistic nature of,1:413–414
Ifa and,1: 332
Imhotep and,1: 337
methods of,1:415–416
Nkisi (Minikisi, plural) and,2:450–452
plants used in,2:530–531
priest and priestess healers and,1: 418
social causative agents and,1:414–415
spiritual and material indigenous resources
application and,1: 413
spiritual causative agents and,1: 414
Swazi people healing traditions and,1:420,
2: 652
triad practice of,1: 413
as West African religious strata,2: 712
Western biomedicine and,1:418–419
white clay, chalk and,2: 715
See alsoDisease; Healing; Health; Medicine
men and women
Medicine men and women, 1:419–420
of Bali people,1: 96
examples of,1: 420
females as traditional healers and,1: 420
guilt or innocence hearings and,1: 420
Mmoetia system of abosom, Akan tradition
and,1: 5
optimal health focus of,1: 420
preparation factors of,1:419–420
training rituals and ceremonies of,1: 420
Mediums, 1:421–422
Charwe and,1: 422
functions of,1: 421
Nehanda and,1: 422
priestesses and rain and,1:421–422
Shona of Zimbabwe and,1: 421
as spirit wives,1: 421
Mende, 1:422–423
ancestral spirits and,1:422–423,2: 462
beads protecting pregnant women of,1: 117
birds endowed with prophecy ability and,
1: 124
Faro god of restoration and fertility and,
funeral rituals of,2:573–574
geographic location of,1:422,2: 449
herbs used by,2: 530
life and death stories of,1: 195
naming ceremonies of,2: 463
nature spirits and,1: 423
Ngewo Supreme Being and,1:124,1:195,
1:422,2:449,2: 712
Poro(young men) andBondo(young women)
societies of,1:409,1:423,2: 598
propitiatory sacrifice of,2: 583
sacrificial objects in,2: 584
spiritual causative agents of disease and,1: 414
umbilical cord tradition of,2: 681
Merikare philosopher,1: 27
Metamorphoses(The Golden Ass,Apuleius),
Meyerowitz, Eva,1:xxix
Min, 1:424–425
agricultural fertility god and,1: 425
Bull of the Great Phallus and,1: 425
circumcision and,1: 167
depictions of,1: 425
fertility and sexuality god of,1:167,1: 424
god of vegetation and fertility and,1: 305
harvest festival honoring,1: 305
king paying homage to,1: 424
Sed Festival and,1: 425
Montu, 1:425–426
as chief god of Waset,1: 425
depictions of,1:425–426
as god of war,1:425–426
King Mentuhotep II and,1: 425
as protector of a happy home,1: 426
temple locations of,1: 425
Moon, 1:426–427
creation stories and,1: 426
cycles of life, time reckoning and,1: 426
dream interpretation and,1: 220
feminine attributes and,1: 426
masculine attributes of,1: 426
Mawu-Lisa (Fon cosmology) and,1: 270
as origin of life,1: 426
838 Index