diaspora and,1: 201
diffusion of,2:592–593
divination and,1: 207
drums and,1: 222
Espiritismo and,2: 591
healers and,1: 206
Ifa and,1: 329
individual and communal worship
in,2: 592
Nana Buluku and,2: 441
Obatala and,1:174,2: 471
offerings and,2: 592
origins of,2:589,2: 591
orisha element of,2:591,2: 708
otanessacred stones of,2: 581
prediction ritual of,2: 590
Hippolyte Rivail and,2:589,2: 591
Shango and,2: 612
spiritual mediumship and,2: 592
Supreme Being element of,2: 591
three drum trinity in,2: 663
white symbolism and,1: 174
worship and,2: 592
Yoruba traditions and,2: 591
Sapir, J. David,1: 354
Sara, 2:593–594
agrarian economy of,2: 593
ancestor worship by,2: 594
Arab slave traders and,2: 593
geographic location of,2: 593
Saramacca, 2:594–595
Dutch conflict with,2: 594
geographic locations of,2: 594
Grangado supreme God of,2: 595
Granmanking of,2: 595
matrilineal clans of,2:594–595
Papa songs for ancestors and,2: 595
pemba dotewhite clay in religious ceremonies
and,1:171,2: 595
sacred drums of,2: 595
Sarcophagus, 2:595–596
images and texts of,2: 596
ka of deceased and,2:595–596
Osiris and,2: 595
word derivation and,2: 595
Sarpong, Peter,2: 502
Sat-Amen,1: 30
Savary, Claude,2: 532
Scarab, dung beetle symbolism,1:54–55,
Seba, 2:596
famous seba,2: 596
teacher, philosopher and,2: 596
Seclusion, 2:597–601
annual hegemonic festivals and,2:599–600
birth and death and,2:597–598
body, ritual, transformation and,2: 597
“communitas” and,2: 597
contemporary contexts of,2: 600
death and,2: 599
fecundity and,2: 600
initiation and,1:342–343,2:546,2:572,2: 577
installation of monarchs and,2: 599
knowledge acquisition and,2: 597
meanings of,2: 597
pregnancy and,2: 599
puberty and,2:598–599
as rite of passage stage,2: 597
significance of,2: 597
training of priests, priestesses, healers and,
2: 600
transitory state of,2: 597
Seers, 2:601
meanings of,2: 600
moral and spiritual insight or knowledge of,
2: 600
Credo Mutwa and,2: 600
ways of knowing and,2: 600
See alsoConjurers; Magic
Sekhmet, 2:601–603
Hathor and,1:307,2: 600
as lioness goddess,2: 600
statue of,2: 602
war and battle goddess and,1: 294
Selections From the Husia: Sacred Wisdom of
Ancient Egypt(Karenga),1: 322
Balanta people of,1:93–94
Bamana people of,1: 100
Igbo people of,1: 333
Peul people of,2:527–528
planting rituals in,1: 18
Serer people of,2: 606
Susu people of,2: 639
Wolof language and people of,2: 724
Senghor, Leopold Sedar,1:105,2: 522
Senufo, 2:603–605
double-headed funeral Wambele masks
of,2: 604
geographic locations of,2: 603
Index 853