Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

initiation process of,2: 532
male and female duality of,2:603,2: 605
matrilineal society of,2: 605
nature spirits of,2: 605
occupational specialists of,2: 605
Sandogo, Poro, Wambele, Typeka societies
of,2: 605
Serapis, 2:605–606
Auset and,2: 605
deity combination of Ausar and Apis bull and,
2: 605
as god of healing,2: 605
Serer, 2:606–607
Ausar-Auset-Heru trinity and,2: 607
burial rites of,2: 607
geographic location, origins and
migrations of,2: 606
Roog Supreme Deity of,2:606–607
totemic ancestors of,2: 607
upright stones tradition of,2: 607
Serpent, 2:607–608
Akan myth of,2: 608
Basari myth of,2: 608
Bida serpent legend and,1:194–195
Danbala Wedo beneficent serpent image and,
1:192–193,1:264,1:404,2:471,2: 534
dream interpretation and,1: 220
lunar elements of,2: 608
Seshat, 2:608–609
astronomical and astrological measurement
and,2: 609
Djhuty divine scribe and,2: 608
goddess of writing, measurement, ruler of
books and,1:294,2:608,2: 610
proportional measurement of the ground and,
2:609,2: 610
Set, 2:609–610
Ausar, Auset, Het and,1:77–78,1:81,
Ausar and Auset’s lineage and,1: 63
depictions of,2: 609
desert, drought, burring, fire and,2: 637
Eye of Horus and,1:251,1:253,1: 307
as God of Chaos and Storms,1:63,
Great Ennead and,1:240–241
Hathor and,1: 307
Heru and,1:78,1:307,1:314–315
Tehuti and,1: 327
temple of Edfu and,2:654,2: 659

Seven, 2:610–611
Egyptian cosmology and mythology and,2: 611
harmony and,2: 610
number symbolism of,2: 464
Seshat and,2: 610
taboos regarding,2:610–611
Shame, 2:611–612
awareness of taboo violation and,2: 611
communal sense of responsibility and,2: 611
sacrifice to appease ancestors and,2: 612
amulets and,1: 43
attributes of,2: 612
Ax religious significance and,1: 82
burial taboos of,2: 646
enslavement resistance and,1: 380
fire, thunder and lightning and,2: 614
Goddesses wives of,1: 294
orisha transformation of,2: 612
oshedouble-headed axe symbol of,
1:382,2:614,2: 663
Oshun and,2:510,2: 708
Oya and,2:515–516,2:580,2: 612
a Petwo lwa,2: 527
ram as food offered to,1: 272
red and white colors of,2: 565
shrine of with women devotee figures,2: 613
as Sky Father,1: 380
Yoruba, Bini, Fon religions and,2: 612
Yoruba lightning deity and,1:380,1:381,
1:382,2:663–664,2: 716
Shawabti, 2:614–615
as companion to deceased,2: 614
human sacrifice replaced by,1: 127
in kings’ tombs,2: 615
Shilluk, 2:615–616
death and installation from king to king
and,2: 615
Juok made human beings out of clay story of,
1:170,1: 288
Nyakang and,2:615–616
rain making and harvest ceremonies and,2: 615
“word of mouth” people of,2: 615
Shona, 2:616
Chaminuka ancestor of,1:157–158
chinuraritual cleansing of,2: 616
clay pot representation of woman’s womb and,
1:126,1:170,1:410–411,2: 573

854 Index

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