Maasai people of,1: 397
names of God in,2:748–749
original home of Shona and,1: 157
Swahili people in,2: 641
Yao people of,2: 734
Tauetona, 2:649–650
creation story of,2:649–650
geographic location of,2: 650
Tswana people, first human created and,2: 649
Taylor, Edward Burnett,1: 13
Atum-Ra and,2:650–651
Ausar, Seth, Auset, Neb-het and,2: 650
as deity of moisture,1:229,1:294,
2:558,2: 650
depictions of,2: 650
Great Ennead and,1:240–241,2: 651
Kemetyu creation myth and,2: 634
Nun and,2: 651
Shu, Geb, and Nut and,2: 650
Shu and,2:617–619,2:634,2: 651
Tehuti.SeeIbis, symbol of Tehuti
Teke, 2:651–652
buttiandnkirsculptured ancestor figures
of,2: 651
geographic locations of,2: 651
mask artistry of,2:651–652
Tellem, 2:652–653
Dogon people and,2:652–653
Dogon-Tellem culture and,2: 652
Temne, 2:653–654
agricultural economy of,2: 653
ancestor importance to,2: 653
burial rituals of,2: 654
creation myth of,1: 135
geographic location and origin of,2: 653
KurumasabaSupreme God of,2: 653
Poro secret society of,2:479,2:653–654
Temne creation myth and,1: 135
twin rituals of,2: 654
witchcraft feared by,2: 653
Temples, concept in ancient times, 2:654–658
Colossus of Memnon and,2: 655
education and healing and,2: 656
Great Temple of Karnak,1:xxvi,2:656,2: 657
idea of the temple of God and,2: 658
major temple sites and,2: 658
mortuary temples and,2: 656
nature of the sacred place and,2:654,2: 656
physical organization of,2: 658
political purposes of,2: 656
sacred purposes of,2: 656
temple of Edfu and,2:654,2: 659
types of,2:656,2: 658
See alsoTemples, uses and types
Temples, Placide,1:97,1:104–105
Temples, uses and types, 2:659–660
as the body of God concept and,2: 660
celebrations of spirituality and,2: 659
“first time” of creation symbol and,2: 659
temple of Edfu devoted to Heru and,2: 659
Coffin Texts (The Book of Vindication)and,
1: 138
Things Fall Apart(Achebe),2:496,2: 497
antiquity wall engraving of,2: 661
The Book of Thothand,2: 660
depictions of,2: 660
as Egyptian god of Wisdom,2: 660
festivals dedicated to,2:660,2: 662
Goddess Seshat married to,1: 294
ibis and baboon moon associations and,2: 660
as scribal god,2: 660
Three, 2:662–663
Christian trinity and,2: 672
number 9 and,2: 662
number symbolism of,2: 463
plurality and unity symbolized by,2: 662
three wise men and,2: 672
trinity, three-in-one divinity and,2:662,2: 672
trinity of drums and,2:662–663
Vodu pouring of Libations ritual and,2: 662
Thunder, 2:663–665
cult of Sango and,2:663–665
thunder cults and,2: 663
Tibonanj, 2:664
Desounen and,1: 196
Ginen ancestral world and,1: 283
govi and,1:296–297,2: 699
ka and,1: 196
personality and conscience of humans and,
1:196,2: 664
See alsoDesounen(dessounin)
Time, 2:664–665
cyclical nature of,2: 665
distant future concept absence and,2: 665
dynamic present and ever-increasing past
dimensions of,2: 665
858 Index