Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition

(Ann) #1

The italicised entries refer to the Key

activists 191, 192, 238–9
accelerated pluralism 116, 238
Acton, Lord 64, 168
administrative courts 180, 184–5
Afghanistan 121, 123,154, 155
Africa 36, 138: civil autocracy in
149; military autocracy in 146–7
African-Americans 111–112
Albania 109
al-Gadahfi, President 149
algorithm 127
Allardt, E. 107, 119
Allison, G.T. 41, 220, 222–4
Almond, G. 15, 20, 105, 107
Al-Qaeda 121, 122, 123
American Revolution 61, 146
Amin, General 41
anarchism 31, 52–4, 73, 89
Andreski, S. 131
Animal Liberation Front 122
apartheid 38, 88, 112, 122
apparatchiks 80
Arab identity 84
Arendt, H. 150
Aristotle 9, 171
Argentina 76, 121, 123
armed forces: coups 120;
government by 146–8

assimilation 112
Ataturk, Kemal 147
Athens, classical 138, 171–2
Australia 38
authoritarianism, capitalist 80,
authority: nature of 56–7; in tribal
societies 30
autocratic states136–8: civil
autocracy 148–50; military
autocracy 146–8
AWB 76

Bachrach, P. 22, 209, 226
Baader-Meinhoff gang seeRed
Army Faction
balance of power 40
Ball, John 82
Banfield, E.C. & L.F. 159
Bangladesh 43, 236
Baratz, M.S. 22, 209, 226
bargaining: inter-organisational
222; in politics 6; political
bargaining model 222–4;
political stability 119; tribal
societies 29–31
Barker, Sir E. 185
Barratt, S. 226
BBC 199–201, 244
Belgium 39
Bell, D. 99, 126
Benedict, R. 51


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