Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition

(Ann) #1

class: conflict10, 20, 77–8, 123–5;
elites, political pluralism &
115–6; post-industrial politics
125–8; welfare state and
distribution 234–6
classical rational actor model 40–1
Clinton, W 99, 100, 101, 176
closed systems of thought 70
Colas, Alejandro 236
Coleman, J. 15, 105
collectivism5 : individualism vs
60–61, 72; & socialism 20, 98;
see alsototalitarianism
colonialism 36: and race 37–8, 110
Colombia 43
Commager, H.S. 82, 118
Command Papers 243
common law 180
communication: democracy
and 204; Internet 203;
interest groups 195–7; mass
media 197–202; political
communication 189–90; ‘spin’
and political marketing 193–4;
technology 125–9 see also
political parties
communism76–81, 152–3 see also
communist (Eastern) bloc 78–9,
123, 145
Communist Manifesto 20, 21,
Communist Party of the Soviet
Union (CPSU) 78, 152–3
competition, perfect and imperfect
concepts, political 10, 15–7, 21–2,
concertation 97, 188
Confederation, American 163
conflict: class 10, 20, 76–9, 123–5;
feudalism 33; human nature
50–2; radical criticism 19–23;
tribal societies 29–30
Congress (USA) 178
Congress Party of India 104

consensus 6, 89; in tribal societies
29, 51 see alsocooperation
consent 54–5
Conservative Party (UK) 93–4, 95
conservatism73, 92–5; Thatcherism
as radicalism 94–5;
consociational systems142, 144
constitutionalism 89, 181–2
constitutions 181–5; rights and
61–2, 90, 182–5; US 90, 180,
consultation 185–7, 195–7 see also
Consumers’ Association 197
contracts 55
‘convention’style constitutions 145
conventions 182, 191; local
government 166
cooperation 6, 215–7 see also
cooperative federalism 159
cooperative movement 97
cooptation 187
corporatism 186–7, 190, 197
corruption 111, 147
Country Indicators for Foreign
Policy 14
coups d’etat 120–1
court politics 34
Cranston, M. 62, 65
‘creeping Americanisation’ 45
Crick, B. 4, 5, 7, 136–9, 150
Cromwell, Oliver 120
Crusades 82
Cuba 78, 139; missile crisis 41, 220
cult of personality 78, 150
culture: empires and 36–8;
globalisation 44–5; political
Czech republic 160

Dahl, R.A. 7, 116
Dahrendorf, R. 125
Dalton, R. J. 96
Darfur 42
databases, online 245
Dawson, R.E. 105

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