
(Elle) #1
The Ancien


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The Ancien


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The Ancien


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playing Parcheesi or sampling the delicious
home cooking.
Jeep safaris to Minneriya and Kaudulla
can be organised, and bikes are available (Rs
300 per day).

Devi Tourist Home H oMEStAY $
(%222 3181; [email protected]; l ake View
w atte; r rs 2200-3000; ai) Down a quiet,
leafy suburban lane this well-run, inviting
and orderly homestay is a good choice, with
rooms (the cheapest are fan-only) arranged
around a pretty garden. Meals are filling
(don’t miss string hoppers for breakfast), bi-
cycles are available (Rs 200 per day) and they
have their own tuk-tuk for pick-ups.

Samudra Guest House GUES tHoUSE $
(%222 2817, 077 692 8813; Habarana rd; r rs 2000-
3500; aW) Budget rooms (the cheapies have
fans and cold water) are pretty good value in
this rambling old house, though the owner is
often not around – call for service. The rear
garden is lovely, and meals are offered. Bicy-
cles can be hired for Rs 300.

Thisara Guest House GUES tHoUSE $
(%222 2654, 077 170 5636; http://www.thisaraguesthouse.
com; r with fan/air-con rs 2500/3000; aW)
About 100m off the main road south of the
Old Town, this place has clean, spacious
rooms in two blocks, those at the rear with
rice-paddy views are better and the ones to
book. Bikes cost Rs 300 per day. Call for a
pick-up from the bus or train station.

Manel Guest House GUES tHoUSE $
(%222 2481;; New
t own rd; r rs 2500-3000; ai) Appearances
are somewhat deceptive at this ugly-looking
concrete structure (watch your head as you
climb the stairs) as the rooms are actually
fine for a night or two and are decent value.
Wi-fi is only available in the restaurant area;
meals are served.

Jayaru Guest House GUES tHoUSE $
(%071 563 6678, 444 4263; jayaru.guest@yahoo.
com; Circular rd; r rs 1200; W) If you’re looking
for a really inexpensive room, this simple
guesthouse is worth considering, as it’s locat-
ed in a quiet area and has a pleasant garden
with tables and chairs for chilling. Rooms are
simple, clean and have fans and mossie nets;
bathrooms are cold water.

Siyanco Holiday Resort HotEl $$
(%222 6868;;
1st Channel rd; r rs 4000-8500; aWs) Ver y
central, this established hotel has an older

block where rooms are basic and inexpen-
sive (though you have to pay extra for air-
conditioning). The new wing offers modern,
spacious, inviting rooms with fridges and
TVs. It’s a short walk from the ruins and close
to the tank.

The Lake HotEl $$$
(%011-558 5858; http://www.the-lake-polonnaruwa-; Potgul Vihara; s/d/tr 112/118/139;
aiWs) Right by the lakeshore, this
elegant, renovated two-storey hotel offers
sublime views of the tank (and buffalo and
birdlife) from its beautifully presented
rooms, restaurant and pool area. The atmos-
phere is relaxing, with classical music in the
lobby, monochrome photographs and atten-
tive service.

5 Eating
There’s little reason to venture far from your
hotel or guesthouse for a meal as there are no
stand-out selections locally.

Sathosa G roCErY StorE
(h24hr) This store is the place to buy snacks
and picnic items for a shady spread at some
far corner of the archaeological site.

The Lake Restaurant S rI lANKAN, wEStErN $$
(; the
l ake hotel, Potgul Vihara; mains rs 400-1400; W)
This hotel’s dining room enjoys a terrific per-
spective over the azure waters of the tank,
and it’s air-conditioned, so it offers a lunch-
time respite from the tropical heat. Menu-
wise you can grab a bowl of noodles with
vegies for Rs 350 or fine-dine for much more.

8 Information

t he site’s ticket desk (%222 4850; http://www.ccf.
lk/polonnaruwa.htm; adult/child US$25/12.50;
h7.30am-6pm), located at the museum, has
some information.
t he main archaeological site closes at 6pm.
You’ll enter from Habarana rd, about 500m north
of the museum. tickets are not usually checked at
the Polonnaruwa Heritage or Southern groups.
Although tickets technically allow you only
one entrance, you can ask a ticket collector to
sign and date your ticket so you can return. this
way you could visit the site in the morning, take
a break around midday and return in the late
o ld town and Kaduruwela have AtMs.
KIT PC Computer Shop (70 Habarana rd; per
hr rs 70; h7.30am-10pm) Internet access.
Post Office (Batticaloa rd) In the centre of the
o ld town.
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