Growing Elite Marijuana

(Ron) #1
A CO 2 tank and regulator is used to
enrich the air. CO 2 laden air
increases the growth rate

Step By Step

Plants do best in indoor gardens when
they are supplied with CO 2. Growers

usually choose:

  1. An open door or curtain is often the
    best solution for small spaces which
    have a large surface-to-air ratio.

  2. External ventilation to blow out the
    used air and draw in new air. This is
    usually adequate for small rooms.

  3. A CO 2 enrichment system. This
    consists of a tank and regulator flow
    meter and either a timer or other
    automatic valve. This increases the
    growth rate of the plants phenomenally.

  4. A water heater or gas stove may
    supplement the garden with CO 2.

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