Chapter 7
Number Theory
Number theory, the study of the integers Z, is one of the oldest branches of mathe
matics, and is a particularly fertile source of interesting problems that are accessible at
many levels. This chapter will very briefly explore a few of the most important topics
in basic number theory, focusing especially on ideas crucial for problem solvers. The
presentation is a mix of exposition and problems for you to solve as you read. It is
self-contained and does not assume that you have studied the subject before, but if you
haven't, you may want to consult an elementary text such as [45] to learn things in
more depth or at a more leisurely pace.
Several number theory topics were discussed in earlier chapters. If you read them,
great. If not, the text below will remind you to read (or reread!) them at the appropriate
We will denote the integers (positive and negative whole numbers including zero)
by Z, and the natural numbers (positive whole numbers) by N. In this chapter we
will follow the convention that any Roman letter (a through z) denotes an integer.
Furthermore , we reserve the letters p and q for primes.
7.1 Primes and Divisibility
If alb is an integer, we say that b divides a or b is a factor or divisor of a. We also say
this with the notation
which you read "b divides a." Equivalently, there exists an integer m such that a = bm.
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Undoubtedly, you are familiar with the set of prime numbers. A number n is prime if
it has no divisors other than 1 and n. Otherwise, n is called composite. By convention,
1 is considered neither prime nor composite, so the set of primes begins with
2,3,5,7, 11, 13, 17,2 3,29,31, ....
It is not at all obvious whether this sequence is finite or not. In turns out that