Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

24.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 1015

The selection rule for magnetic dipole transitions of nuclear spins is

∆MI± 1 (24.4-1)

so that the energy of the photon absorbed or emitted is

Ephotonhν|gN|βNBzγNhB ̄ z

2 π


For the frequencyνthe magnetic field must have the value



2 πν


wheregNis the nucleargfactor for the nucleus andγNis its magnetogyric ratio.


Find the value of the magnetic field necessary for protons to absorb at a frequency of
200.00 MHz.



(6. 6261 × 10 −^34 J s)(200. 00 × 106 s−^1 )
(5.5857)(5. 050787 × 10 −^27 JT−^1 )

 4 .6973 T46973 gauss

Diamagnetic Shielding

If the frequency of the radiation is fixed and if the externally applied field were the
only contribution to the magnetic field at the nucleus, every proton would absorb
at the same value of the magnetic field, every^13 C nucleus would absorb at another
value of the magnetic field, and so on. However, there are two contributions to the
magnetic field at a given nucleus in addition to the externally applied magnetic field.
The first is due to the fact that the externally applied magnetic field induces a net
current in the electrons of the molecule. This produces a magnetic field in the opposite
direction to the externally applied field. This phenomenon is calleddiamagnetismand
is said to provideshielding. The diamagnetic contribution to the magnetic field at a
given nucleus is proportional to the applied field and depends on the electron density
around the nucleus. For nucleus numberjin a given molecule, this diamagnetic
contribution is

Bjdiamagnetic−σjB 0 (24.4-4)

whereσjis called theshielding constantfor nucleus numberjand whereB 0 is the
externally applied magnetic field. The shielding constant has a larger value when the
probability of finding electrons around the nucleus is larger. Typical values ofσrange
from 15× 10 −^6 to 35× 10 −^6 (15 to 35 parts per million).
If we ignore other factors, the magnetic field at thejth nucleus is

Bj(1−σj)B 0 (24.4-5)
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