Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

25.4 The Calculation of Molecular Partition Functions 1073

the same formula as for atoms and diatomic molecules, Eq. (25.3-21). The electronic
partition function is obtained by explicit summation as in Eq. (25.4-2), and the one-term
approximation of Eq. (25.4-4) is usually valid if the molecule does not have unpaired

The Rotational Partition Function

For a linear polyatomic molecule like acetylene or cyanogen, the rotational energy
levels are the same as those of diatomic molecules in Eq. (22.2-18). Equation (25.4-13)
can be used for the rotational partition function with the appropriate symmetry number
and moment of inertia. The rotational energy levels of nonlinear polyatomic molecules
are more complicated than those of diatomic molecules. The derivation of the rotational
partition function for nonlinear molecules is complicated, and we merely cite the result:^7




8 π^2 kBT

) 3 / 2

(IAIBIC)^1 /^2


nonlinear polyatomic



whereIA,IB, andICare the principal moments of inertia as defined in Eq. (22.4-2). The
symmetry numberσis equal to the number of ways of orienting a model of the molecule
such that each nuclear location is occupied by a nucleus of the same isotope of the same
element as in the other orientations, as described in Section 22.4 of Chapter 22. The
inclusion of the symmetry number corresponds to the fact that of the conceivable sets
of values of the quantum numbersJ,M, andKonly a fraction 1/σactually occur. The
rotational partition function of a polyatomic molecule is generally large enough so that
Eq. (25.4-22) is a good approximation. A more accurate expression for spherical top
molecules has been derived.^8


Calculate the rotational partition function of CCl 4 at 298.15 K, assuming all chlorine
atoms to be the^35 Cl isotope. The molecule is a spherical top, with bond lengths equal to
1. 766 × 10 −^10 m, and with all three moments of inertia equal to 4. 829 × 10 −^45 kg m^2.
The symmetry number is counted as follows: With a given Cl at in a fixed position, say on
thezaxis, there are three orientations. There are four ways to place a Cl atom on thezaxis,
so the symmetry number is 3× 4 12. We can write



8 π^2 (1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )(298.15 K)
(6. 6261 × 10 −^34 Js)^2

) 3 / 2
(4. 829 × 10 −^45 kg m^2 )^3 /^2


This value is large enough to be a very good approximation.

(^7) N. Davidson,op. cit., p. 169ff (note 2).
(^8) R. S. McDowell,J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer., 38 , 337 (1987).

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