Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1142 27 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. III. Ensembles

where we assume that the probability distribution is normalized:

f(p,q)dpdq 1 (27.5-5)

The Other Thermodynamic Functions

Once we have expressions forUandS, we can obtain formulas for the other thermo-
dynamic functions. The Helmholtz energy is given by

AU−TS−kBTln(Zcl) (27.5-6)

and the pressure is given by the thermodynamic relation in Eq. (26.1-8)













Expressions for the enthalpy, the Gibbs energy, the heat capacity, and the chemical
potential can be obtained from these formulas.

Exercise 27.5
Write formulas forH,G,CV, andμfor the classical canonical ensemble. Compare your formulas
with those in Eq. (27.2-8).

The Thermodynamic Functions of a Dilute Gas

We have obtained formulas for the thermodynamic functions of a general system in
terms of the classical canonical partition function.

The Energy of a Dilute Gas

If the system is a dilute gas we can express the energy in terms of the classical molecular
partition function, using Eq. (27.4-18):







Using the formula forzclin Eq. (27.4-12), the energy of a monatomic dilute gas is


3 NkBT


monatomic dilute gas
without electronic excitation



The indistinguishability of the molecules and the relation between quantum states and
phase space volume do not affect the energy expression.
The classicaltheorem of equipartition of energystates that if a molecular vari-
able occurs in the classical energy in a quadratic form (to the second power) the
contribution to the ensemble average system energy corresponding to that variable is
equal to NkBT/2. Equation (27.5-9) conforms to this theorem. We can verify
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