Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

27.6 The Classical Statistical Mechanics of Dense Gases and Liquids 1149


Obtain a formula for the second virial coefficient of a hard-sphere gas with molecular
The pair potential function is


∞ ifr<d

so that



The virial coefficient of the hard-sphere gas is equal to a constant

B 2 −



[−1]4πr^2 dr
2 πNAvd^3


Exercise 27.10
The effective hard-sphere diameter of argon at 273 K is equal to 3.65× 10 −^10 m. Using this
value fordin the formula of Eq. (27.6-11), calculateB 2 for argon at this temperature. Compare
your result with the experimental value at 273 K,− 2. 15 × 10 −^5 m^3 mol−^1. How do you explain
the difference?

Exercise 27.11
a.Obtain a formula for the second virial coefficient of a “square-well” gas, for which




∞ ifr<d
−u 0 ifd<r<c

whereu 0 is a positive constant. Explain why this virial coefficient depends on temperature
while that of a hard-sphere gas does not.
b.Take the following parameters for a square-well representation of the argon intermolecular
potential:d 3. 162 × 10 −^10 m,c 5. 850 × 10 −^10 m, andu 0  9. 58 × 10 −^22 J. Find the
value of the second virial coefficient of argon at 0◦C. Compare it with the experimental value,
− 2. 15 × 10 −^5 m^3 mol−^1.

The second virial coefficient of a hard-sphere gas is positive, illustrating the fact
that repulsive forces correspond to a raising of the pressure of the gas over that of an
ideal gas at the same molar volume and temperature. The second virial coefficient of
the square-well gas has a constant positive part that is identical with that of the hard-
sphere gas, and a temperature-dependent negative part due to the attractive part of the
potential, illustrating the fact that attractive forces contribute to lowering the pressure
of the gas at fixed volume and temperature.
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