Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1244 B Some Useful Mathematics

or aCartesian tensor. Each of its components is multiplied by a product of two unit
Thedivergenceof a vector functionFis denoted by∇·Fand is defined by














The divergence is a scalar quantity. If the vector function represents the flow velocity of
a fluid, the divergence is a measure of the spreading out of the streaming curves along
which small elements of the fluid flow. A positive value of the divergence corresponds
to a decrease in density along a curve following the flow. See the discussion of the
equation of continuity in Section 11.2.
The divergence of the gradient of a scalar function is called theLaplacian. The
Laplacian of a scalar functionfis given in Cartesian coordinates by

∇^2 f

∂^2 f


∂^2 f


∂^2 f


The Laplacian is sometimes called “del squared.”
The vector derivative operators can be expressed in other coordinate systems. In
spherical polar coordinates, the gradient of the scalar functionfis












whereeris the unit vector in therdirection (the direction of motion ifris increased
by a small amount, keepingθandφfixed),eθis the unit vector in theθdirection, and
eφis the unit vector in theφdirection. In spherical polar coordinates, the Laplacian is

∇^2 f



















sin^2 (θ)

∂^2 f



In cylindrical polar coordinates the three coordinates arez(same as in Cartesian coor-
dinates),φ(same as in spherical polar coordinates), andρ, equal to

x^2 +y^2. The
gradient of a scalar functionfis given by










whereeρis the unit vector in theρdirection,eφis the unit vector in theφdirection,
andkis the unit vector in thezdirection.
For example, the liquid in a pipe with radiusRhas a velocity that depends onρ, the
distance from the center of the pipe such that

ukuz(ρ)kA(ρ^2 −R^2 ) (B-49)

whereAis a constant. All of the nine components of the gradient of this velocity will
vanish except for∂uz/∂ρ:



eρ 2 Aρ (B-50)

The gradient of the flow velocity points at right angles to the velocity.
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