Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

B Some Useful Mathematics 1245

B.4 Solution of a Differential Equation from

the Two-Step Mechanism of Chapter 11

Equation (11.5-5) is


k 1 [A] 0 e−k^1 t−k 2 [B] (B-51)

We will see that it can be put into the form

dzMd[B]+Ndt 0 (B-52)

whereMandNare functions oftand [B], the concentration of substance B. The
equation shown in Eq. (B-52) represents a class of equations calledPfaffian differential
equations. An equation of this type is called anexact differential equationifdzis an
exact differential. Ifdzis exact,MandNmust be derivatives of the functionzand
must obey the Euler reciprocity relation shown in Eq. (B-13):


∂^2 z

∂^2 z




We multiply Eq. (B-51) bydtand recognize that (d[B]/dt)dtd[B] to obtain an
equation in Pfaffian form:



k 2 [B]−k 1 [A] 0 e−k^1 t


dt 0 (B-54)

This equation corresponds toM1 andN(k 2 [B]−k 1 [A] 0 e−k^1 t). The differential
is not exact since the derivative ofMwith respect totequals zero and the derivative
ofNwith respect to [B] equalsk 2. However, if the equation is multiplied by the factor
ek^2 t, we get the exact differential equation

ek^2 td[B]+


k 2 [B]ek^2 t−k 1 [A] 0 e(k^2 −k^1 )t


dt 0 (B-55)

as can be checked by differentiation. A factor that converts an inexact Pfaffian
differential equation into an exact differential equation is called anintegrating
factor. Multiplication of any equation on both sides by the same nonzero factor yields
a valid equation with the same solution as the original equation.
We consider the special case that no B orFis present at timet0. We denote the
differential in Eq. (B-55) bydzand perform a line integral ofdzon the path shown in
Figure B.7. The result of the integration must equal zero, since the differential equals
zero if it satisfies the differential equation. That is, the functionzmust have the same
value at the two ends of the path.

0 t


(t 9 , [B] 9 )

(t 9 ,0)

Figure B.7 The Path of Integration
to Solve Eq. (11.5-5). Thed[B] term indzgives no contribution on the first leg of the path. On the second

legtis equal tot′so that

ek^2 t

d[B]ek^2 t

[B]t′ (B-56)

On the first leg of the path we replace [B] by zero, and the result is



k 1 [A] 0 e(k^2 −k^1 )tdt−

k 1 [A] 0
k 2 −k 1

(e(k^2 −k^1 )t

−1) (B-57)
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