Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1306 J Symbols Used in This Book

Symbol Quantity

t 1 / 2 Half-life of a chemical reaction
tC Celsius temperature
T Absolute temperature
Tc Critical temperature
Tr Reduced temperature
u(x,y,z) Potential energy of one molecule
u(r) Potential energy function for a pair of molecules as a function
of internuclear distance
u Flow velocity
U Thermodynamic energy (internal energy)
v Velocity vector
v Speed (magnitude of a velocity)
vrel Relative speed
〈v〉 Mean speed
vp Most probable speed
vrms Root-mean-square speed
V Volume
Vm Molar volume
Vmc Critical molar volume
Vr Reduced volume
V Voltage
V Potential energy
w An amount of work
wnet Work other than compression work
wrev Reversible work
w A general mass (malso used)
wi Mass of substancei
Wx Mass fraction of polymer molecules with degree of polymerizationx
xi Mole fraction of substancei
x Degree of polymerization
Xx Number fraction of polymer molecules with degree of
Y Letter used to stand for a general extensive thermodynamic variable
Such asG,H,U,V, etc.
Ym Symbol used to stand for a general molar or mean molar quantity,
Such asGm,Vm, and so on
∆fY(i) Symbol used to stand for a general molar quantity of formation,
such as∆fG(i)or∆fH(i)
Y ̄i Symbol for a general partial molar quantity, such asGi,Vi, and so on
Y ̄i◦ Symbol used to stand for a general partial molar quantity,
such asGi,Vi, in the standard state
Ym∗i Symbol used to stand for a general molar quantity, such asGmi,
Vmi, etc., in the pure state
∆Ymix Symbol used to stand for a general mixing quantity such as
the change in Gibbs energy on mixing,∆Gmix, etc.
zi(j) Rate of collisions of a molecule of substanceiwith molecules of
zi Valence of ioni
Z Compression factor of a gas
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