Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1308 J Symbols Used in This Book

Symbol Quantity

μ∗i Chemical potential of componentiin a pure liquid or solid state
μi(chem) Chemical part of the chemical potential of componenti
νi Stoichiometric coefficient of substancei
ν± Mean ionic stoichiometric coefficient
ν Rate of wall collisions
ν Frequency
ξ Reaction progress variable
π∏ 3.14159265359...
Symbol for a product of factors
Π Osmotic pressure
ρ Density
ρc Charge density
σ Standard deviation
σ∑ Electrical conductivity
Symbol for a sum
τ A period of time, especially a relaxation time or a period of an
τi(j) Mean time between collisions of a molecule of substanceiwith
molecules of substancej
φ Electrical potential
φ Steric factor
φ Angular coordinate in spherical polar and cylindrical
polar coordinates
φ Osmotic coefficient
ω Angular speed
Ψ A general symbol for a time-dependent wave function or a
multi-electron wave function
ψ A general symbol for a time-dependent wave function
Ω Thermodynamic probability – number of microstates
∇ Gradient operator
∇• Divergence operator
∇^2 Laplacian operator
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