Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1363

normalization, 697–698
position measurements, 699–700
predictable case and statistical case,
probabilities and probability densities,
700–705, 701–704f
wave functions not energy eigenfunctions,
Fourth-order bonds, 880
Fowler, Ralph H., 111
Franck–Condon factor, 974
Franck–Condon principle
for electronic transition, 973–974, 974f, 978
photoelectron spectroscopy, 992
Franklin, Benjamin, 475, 1002
Free energy.SeeGibbs energy;
Helmholtz energy
Free enthalpy.SeeGibbs energy
Free induction decay (FID), 1025, 1026f
Free particle, uncertainty product of, 714–715
Free-electron molecular orbital method
(FEMO), 892–893
Free-electron theory, of crystalline solid
electronic structure, 1175–1179, 1176f
Freely jointed chain, polymers, 1194–1197
Freezing, 27–28, 27f.See alsoPhase
latent heat of, 54
Freezing point depression, 292–295
Freezing point depression constant, 294
of classical waves, 629
of flexible string, 634, 635f
of oscillations, 626
of traveling waves, 637–638
Frequency distribution, 1166
Friction coefficient, 468, 482
in electrolyte solution, 477–479
Frictional force, 468, 482
electrical force and, 477
Fugacity, 176
in Gibbs energy calculation, 176–177
of nonideal gas mixture, 187
Fugacity coefficient.SeeActivity coefficient
Functions, 5–7, 7f
basis and expanded, 694
complex conjugates, 692
expansion coefficients of, 694
orthogonal, 693
Fundamental band
of vibrational spectra, 976, 997

of vibration-rotation spectra, 965–966,
966f, 968f, 997
Fundamental relation of chemical
Fundamental wave, 634, 635f

G.SeeGibbs energy
Galilei, Galileo, 4
Galvani, Luigi, 354
Galvanic cell, 354, 378
Gas kinetic theory, 383–437
classical mechanics, 387
dilute gas pressure, 411–415
mixture of gases, 415
Newton’s third law, 412
in prism, 413–414, 414f
trajectory of, 412, 412f
effusion and wall collisions, 416–417
hard-sphere gas, 422–433
excluded volume of, 423, 423f
hard-sphere potential, 422–423, 423f
molecular collisions in, 426–430
overview of, 423
pressure of, 424
transport processes, 460–466
macroscopic system states, 384–386
averages, 384
general postulate, 384
probability distributions, 384–386
mathematical analysis of, 383
mean values of mechanical variables,
microscopic states of, 390–391f, 390–392
molecular speed distribution, 405–410
molecular structure of liquids, 434–436
Newton’s laws of motion, 387–389, 388f
potential energy, 389, 418–421
intermolecular forces, 420–421,
one-body forces, 419–420
summary for, 436–437
of transport processes, 460–466, 482
self-diffusion, 460–464, 461f
thermal conduction, 464–465
viscosity, 465–466
velocity probability distribution, 394–404
derivation of, 395–397, 395f
identification of parameter b, 398–404,
399f, 404f

Gases.See alsoDense gases; Dilute gas;
Ideal gas(es)
behavior of, 3–38
introduction to, 3–11
real gases, 21–25
summary of, 35–36
systems and states, 12–19, 13f
volumetric, 6
chemical reactions, involving pure solids
or liquids, 310–313
heat capacities of, 52–53
internal energy of, 58–59
molecular dynamics for, 425
reaction mechanism and elementary
processes, 523–527
collision theory of bimolecular processes,
collision theory of termolecular
gas-phase reactions, 527
collision theory of unimolecular
processes, 527
general statement for, 527
real, 21–25
solubility in liquid, 255–256
standard state of, 87
volumetric data graphical representation for,
24–25, 24f
Gas-phase reaction
energy change for, 99–100
homogenous catalysis of, 573–574
principle of Le Châtelier, 338
rate law for, 489–490
temperature dependence of, 523
Gauss, 1002
Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich, 400, 706
Gaussian distribution, 399–400, 399f, 706
in Fick’s second law of diffusion,
450, 451f
harmonic oscillator probability density, 706
with Hartree–Fock–Roothaan method, 798
probability integral for, 401
uncertainty product, 713
Gaussian orbitals, computation of, 907
General solution, of differential equation, 624
Generalized Gibbs–Duhem relation, 190, 196
Geometric means, 269
Geometric progression, 1069
Gerade, eigenfunction, 832
Giauque, William Francis, 139
Gibbons–Laughton equation of state, 23, 23t
for fluid surface, 30f, 31
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