Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1369

chemical reactions of
homogenous catalysis of, 574–575
involving gases, 310–313
rates of, 527–528
classical statistical mechanics of,
equilibrium constant of, 312–313
gas solubility in, 255–256
Gibbs energy calculations for, 178, 195
heat capacities of, 52–53, 76–77
intermolecular forces in, 435
molecular dynamics for, 425
molecular motions in, 470, 470f
molecular structure of, 434–437
nonideal, 3
properties of, 383
reaction mechanism and elementary
processes, 527–532
bimolecular, 528–532
termolecular and unimolecular, 532
shearing flow in, 471
standard state of, 87
structure of, 1184–1188, 1206
classical statistical mechanics approach,
1184–1185, 1185f
computer simulations of, 1187–1188
solid-like models, 1186–1187
transport processes in, 441, 467–473
approximate theories, 1188–1193
Brownian motion, 469
diffusion, 1189–1192, 1189f
friction, 468–469
more advanced theories, 1193
sedimentation, 472–473
temperature dependence of diffusion
and viscosity, 470–472
viscosity, 1192
Liquid-state reactions, 538–539
Liquid-vapor phase diagrams, 282–284f,
Liquid-vapor phase transition
critical point of, 218–219, 218f
molar Gibbs energy at, 215–216, 215–216f
Liter (L), 8
Lithium atom, electronic states of, 781–783
higher-order approximation, 806–808
Lithium hydride, 851–858, 851f, 852t, 853f
bonding qualitative description,
859–861, 860f
correlation diagram for, 852, 853f
dipole moment, 855–858

hybrid orbitals, 853–855, 855–856f, 866
valence-bond method for, 863–864
Lithium molecule, electron configuration
of, 843
Lobes, of orbital regions, 747
Longitudinal relaxation time, 1025
Long-range forces, of ions, 270
Lord Kelvin.SeeThomson, William
Loschmidt, Josef, 9
Loschmidt’s constant.SeeAvogadro’s constant
Lotka–Volterra mechanism, for oscillatory
chemical reactions, 587–588
Lower consolute point, in phase diagram, 284
Lower triangular matrix, 1251
Lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals
(LUMOs), electron promotion to, 889
Lumirhodopsin, 983
LUMOs.SeeLowest unoccupied molecular
Lyman series, for hydrogen radiation,
650, 650f

Macromolecular substance, diffusion
coefficient of, 469
Macroscopic properties, 4
Macroscopic system, 4, 12–13, 13f
macroscopic and microscopic states
of, 384–386
states of, 35
Macrostates, 133
of macroscopic systems, 384–386
thermodynamic probability of, 133
Magnetic dipole(s), 1003–1004, 1004f
electron spin, 1007–1008
magnetic field and, 1002–1006
nuclear, 1008–1010
operator for
electron, 1006
proton, 1008
potential energy of, 1004
production of, 1004
Magnetic dipole transition, 951
ESR and, 951, 1011
NMR and, 951
Magnetic field
electric field and, 639, 639f
magnetic dipoles and, 1002–1006
Magnetic field strength, 1002, 1275
Magnetic induction, 1002, 1275
Magnetic quantum number, 739

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 1014
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 1001–1034
electron spin magnetic dipole, 1007–1008
electron spin resonance spectroscopy,
1010–1013, 1013f, 1032
magnetic fields and magnetic dipoles,
nuclear magnetic dipole, 1008–1010
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
1014–1022, 1032
summary for, 1033–1034
Magnetogyric ratio, 1009
Magnitude, 1246
Mark-Houwink equation, 1199
Marquis de Laplace.SeeSimon, Pierre
Mass fractions, of polymers, 593, 594f
Mass spectrometry, reactive intermediate
detection with, 609
Mass transport coefficient, in concentration
overpotential, 601
Mass-average molecular mass, 1200
of polymers, 593
Mathematical functions, 620
Mathematical group
product of, 898
symmetry operators of, 898
Mathematical identities, 15, 1235–1237
chain rule, 1236
for change of variables, 1235–1236
cycle rule, 1237
Euler’s reciprocity relation, 1236–1237
reciprocal, 1236
Mathematical operator, 685, 685f
algebra of, 685–687
corresponding to a given variable, 688–695
eigenfunction of coordinate
operator, 695
hermitian operators, 692–694
linear operators, 692
for kinetic energy, 688
for magnetic dipoles
electron, 1006
proton, 1008
transformation from cartesian coordinates,
exact and inexact differentials, 48
functions, 5–7, 7f
line integral, 43
mathematical identity, 15
in physical chemistry, 4–5
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