Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1370 Index

Mathematics (cont.)
problem solving techniques, 9–11
for quantum mechanics, 1275–1281
Matrices, 1249–1251
determinants of, 1251–1253
group representation by, 1293–1301
bases for, 1297–1299
C 2 vgroup, 1293–1295
character tables, 1296
classes, 1295–1296
molecular orbital application, 1299–1301
Matrix multiplication, 1249–1251
Matter waves, 654–655, 655f
Maximum solubility
in ideal solutions, 246–247
of naphthalene, 246–247
Maxwell equal-area construction, for phase
transitions, 219–220, 219f
Maxwell, James Clerk, 160, 220, 387, 638
Maxwell probability distribution.See
Maxwell–Boltzmann probability
Maxwell relations, 151
for closed simple systems, 159–166, 195
enthalpy, 160–161
entropy derivation with, 163–165
Gibbs energy, 162
Helmholtz energy, 162
multicomponent systems and, 185
thermodynamic equation of state, 167
Maxwell–Boltzmann probability distribution,
383, 403, 436
Mayer, Joseph E., 273–274, 1147
Mayer, Julius Robert, 55
Mayer, Maria Goeppert, 274
Mean collision time, of molecular collisions
in hard-sphere gas, 428
Mean free path
in molecular collisions, 426–427
in multicomponent collisions, 430, 432
Mean ionic activity coefficient, 268
of electrolyte solutes, 273, 273f
Mean ionic molality, 268
Mean molar quantity, Euler’s theorem and, 189
Mean molar volume, 265
Mean rate of collisions, for multicomponent
collisions, 432
Mean relative speed
in molecular collisions, 428, 437
in multicomponent collisions, 430–431
Mean value, 384

Mean-square speed, of molecular speed
probability distribution, 409
Mean-square value, 451
of state of a system, 717–720
units of, 7–8
Mechanical equilibrium, 204
Mechanical equivalent of heat, 55–56, 56f
Mechanical state function.SeeMicroscopic
state function
Mechanical variables
cartesian coordinates for, 688
mean values of, 392–393
quantum mechanical operator for, 689
Mechanical work, 40–41
Mechanism of reaction, 487
Median, 384
Meissner effect, 1183
Meissner, Walter, 1183
Mendeleev, Dmitri, 813
Metarhodopsin, 983
Metastable state, 14
Meter (m), 8, 621
Meter-kilogram-second units (MKS), 8
Methane, 873–875, 874f
Method of initial rates, for reaction order
more than one reactant, 502–504
one reactant, 497, 497f
Method of intercepts, 1264
for experimental determination of partial
molar quantities, 192–194, 193–194f
Method of isolation, for reaction order
determination, 504–505
Michaelis constant, 578
Michaelis–Menten constant, 578
Michaelis–Menten equation, 577–578
Michaelis–Menten mechanisms, of enzyme
catalysis, 577–580, 578–579f
Michelson, Albert Abraham, 639
Microcanonical ensemble, 1122
Microscopic properties, 4
Microscopic state function, 392
Microscopic system, 4
Microstates, 133
coordinate calculation for, 134–135
of gas kinetic theory, 390–391f,
of lattice gas, 133
of macroscopic systems, 384–386

Microwave radiation
for ESR, 1012
rotational states transitions and, 949
spectrum, 962, 963f
Microwave spectroscopy
of polyatomic molecules, 975
Raman spectroscopyvs., 988
Miller indices, for solids, 1158–1161, 1159f,
Millikan, Robert Andrews, 641
MINDO.SeeModified intermediate neglect
of differential overlap
Minimal basis set, 852
Mirror technique, reactive intermediate
detection with, 609–610
Mixed second partial derivative, 16
MNDO.SeeModified neglect of differential
Mode, 384
Model system, 5, 623
Modified intermediate neglect of differential
overlap (MINDO), for computation
chemistry, 906
Modified neglect of differential overlap
(MNDO), for computation chemistry,
Molality, 252, 299
activities and activity coefficients, 264–265
chemical potential and, 253
mean ionic, 268
stoichiometric, of solute, 269
temperature and, 254
Molality activity coefficient, 264–265
Molality Henry’s law constant, 253
Molality standard state, chemical
potential in, 253
Molar absorptivity, 957
Molar activation energy
in Arrhenius relation, 533
for diffusion, 470
Molar concentration
activities and activity coefficients, 265–266
mole fraction and, 255
temperature and, 254
Molar conductivity, of electrolyte solution, 480
Molar critical energy, in collision theory, 536
Molar enthalpy
of ideal gases, 186
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