Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1373

nth-order reactions, 493–494
half-life, 496
integrated rate laws, 495, 495f
method of initial rates, 497, 497f
rate law for, 493
n-type semiconductor, 1174
Nucleargfactor, 1008
Nuclear magnetic dipole, 1008–1010
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),
1014–1022, 1032
diamagnetic shielding, 1015–1017, 1016f,
impurity and solvent effects, 1021, 1021f
magnetic dipole transition and, 951
NMR with other nuclei, 1022
saturation of a signal, 1021–1022
spectrum, 1016, 1016f
spin-spin coupling and spin-spin splitting,
1017–1020, 1019–1020f
two-dimensional, 1028–1032, 1028–1033f
Nuclear magneton, 1008–1009
Nuclear motion, Hamiltonian for, 919
Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy
(NOESY), 1028, 1032
Nucleic acids, 1197
Nucleons, 930
Null matrix, 1251
Number density, in dilute gas, 413
Number fraction, of polymer molecules, 592
Number-average molar mass, of polymers,
Number-average molecular mass, 1200
Numerical mathematics, 5

Oblate symmetric top, 934
Octet rule, 877
Odd function, 661
in Fick’s second law of diffusion, 451
Odd parity, 932
Ohm, Georg Simon, 475
Ohm’s law, 475, 482
electrical resistance, 1180–1181
overpotential and, 606
One mole of reaction, 87
One-body forces, 419–420
One-component ideal gas, partial molar
quantities in, 186–187
One-component system
intensive variables of, 205
partial molar quantities in, 185–186
phase equilibrium in, 205–213

Clapeyron equation, 208–210
Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 210–212
vapor pressure and total pressure,
surfaces in, 222–229
energy attributed to, 222–224
Laplace equation, 227–229
surface tension, 224–227, 225–226f
One-phase fluid system, 3, 13
Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh, 1183
Operator.SeeMathematical operator
Operator algebra, 685–687
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 824
Opsin, in rhodopsin, 983, 984f
Optical activity, group theory and, 903
Optical density.SeeAbsorbance
Optical rotatory dispersion, 993–996,
Orbital angular momentum
of electron, 725, 742, 755
of helium, 775
intrinsic angular momentumvs., 756
Orbital energies
in benzene, 888, 888f
in neutral atoms, 808–809, 809f
Orbital regions
in benzene, 889, 889f
of beryllium hydride, 869, 869f
of hybridized orbitals, 854–855, 855–856f
for LCAOMOs, 834–835, 835f, 844, 844f
Orbital wave function, 765
electronic transitions and, 978
self-consistent field method for, 789,
Orbitals, 725
of helium-like atom, 779–780, 779t
of hydrogen molecule ion, 825–826, 826f
of hydrogen-like atom, 741–748
normalization, 749–751
qualitative properties of, 743–747, 744f,
radial distribution function, 752, 752f
of lithium, 782–783
regions of, 747–748, 748f
Slater determinant, 782–783
Order-disorder transition, 217
Oregonator, BZ reaction and, 589
Original Gibbs–Duhem relation, 190, 196
Orthogonal matrix, 1251
Orthogonality, of functions, 693,

Oscillatory chemical reactions, 565,
587–589, 615
Osmometer, 297, 297f
Osmotic coefficient, of solvent, 269
Osmotic pressure, 297–298, 297f
Outer Helmholtz plane, of ions, 597
Overlap integral, 837, 1290
Overpotential, 600–608
activation, 602–604
concentration, 600–602, 600f, 602f
Oxidation half-reaction
of electrochemical cells, 355, 355f
of hydrogen electrode, 361, 362f
Oxidation potentials, reduction
potentialsvs., 364
Oxygen molecules, probability distribution
molecular speeds, 408, 408f
velocity component, 399, 399f

p subshell, 742
Pair potential energy function, 420
Pairwise intermolecular potential energy, 1147
Parallel band, of vibrational spectra, 977
Parameterα, molecular partition function
and, 1055–1056
Parameterβ, molecular partition function
and, 1056
Pariser–Pople–Parr method, of computational
chemistry, 905–906
Partial derivatives, 14–15, 623
second, 16
variables related to, 17–19
Partial differential equation, 449, 631
Partial fractions
for autocatalysis, 586
for rate law integration, 501
Partial molar enthalpy
of ideal gases, 186
method of intercepts for, 193
in nonideal solutions, 276
Partial molar entropy
of ideal gases, 186
method of intercepts for, 193
in nonideal solutions, 275–276
Partial molar Gibbs energy
chemical potential and, 184
method of intercepts for, 193
Partial molar quantities
experimental determination of, 191–194
method of intercepts, 192–194, 193–194f
in multicomponent systems, 184
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