Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1372 Index

Multicomponent systems (cont.)
phase equilibrium of
phase diagrams for, 237
surfaces in, 230–234
Multielectron atoms
electron wave function for, 763
electron-electron repulsion in, 763, 789
energy levels of, 789
helium-like atom, 764–766, 764f
angular momentum, 774–780
excited states, 772–773
ground state, 768–771
spectra of, 960
zero-order approximation for, 763–786
indistinguishability of electrons,
lithium atom, 781–783
more than three electrons, 784–785
Pauli exclusion principle, 766–768
summary for, 786
Multiple bonds
double bonds, 878–879
fifth-order bonds, 880
fourth-order bonds, 880
triple bonds, 879–880
valence-bond descriptions of, 883
Multiple integrals, 1239–1240f, 1239–1241
Multiplet splitting.SeeSpin-spin splitting
Multiplication table, for water, 899, 899t

Nanomaterials, 1205–1206
Nanotubes, 1205–1206
Naphthalene, in ideal solution, 246–247, 247f
NDDO.SeeNeglect of diatomic differential
Negative deviation, from Raoult’s law, 248
Neglect of diatomic differential overlap
(NDDO), for computation
chemistry, 906
Nernst equation, 378
activation overpotential and, 605
for cells without liquid junction, 359–360
for concentration cells, 367
for electrochemical cells, 358
for pH measurement, 372–373
Nernst, Walther Hermann, 139, 358
Nernst’s distribution law, 251
Nernst’s heat theorem, 139
Net ionic equation, for electrolyte
reactions, 318

Net rate
of chemical reactions, 486, 507
in fast reaction study, 518
Net work, 156
of surface area, 224
Neutral atoms
diagonal rule for, 810, 810f
exceptions to, 811, 811t
orbital energies in, 808–809, 809f
Neutrino, discovery of, 57
Newton (N), 8, 622
Newton, Sir Isaac, 8, 452, 620
Newton’s law of viscous flow, 444f, 452–453
Newton’s laws of motion, 622–623
in classical mechanics, 622–623,
first law, 387, 1267
gas kinetic theory and, 387–389, 388f
second law, 387–388, 388f, 1267
third law, 389, 1267
dilute gas pressure, 412
electronic spectra of, 974, 974f
photoelectron spectrum of, 992
NMR.SeeNuclear magnetic resonance
Nodal surfaces, 743
of hydrogen molecule ion, 826
for hydrogen-like orbital, 746, 746t
of orbital regions, 747, 748f
Node, of classical waves, 629
NOESY.SeeNuclear Overhauser Effect
Nonadiabatic processes, entropy changes
for, 120–121, 120f
Noncompetitive inhibitor, 580
Nondegenerate, energy level, 670
Nonelectrolyte solutes, in dilute solution, 237
Nonelectronic states, of diatomic molecules,
rigid rotor, 921–922, 921f
rotation and vibration, 922–929, 922f, 926f
Nonequilibrium electrochemical cell, 565
Nonequilibrium electrochemistry, 595–608
electrochemical cells with finite currents,
596–599, 598f
electrolytic cells near equilibrium, 596, 596f
overpotential, 600–608
rates of electrode processes, 599–600
Nonequilibrium states, 442–443
driving forces and linear laws of, 445
equation of continuity, 447–448, 447f

Fick’s law of diffusion, 446–447
Fick’s second law of diffusion, 449–452,
Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 445–446
Poiseuille’s equation, 453–457, 454f
rates of, variables for, 444–445, 444f
Stoke’s law, 457–458
Nonequilibrium steady states, entropy changes
of, 128–129, 129f
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics.See
Irreversible thermodynamics
Nonideal gas, 3
activity and activity coefficient of, 260
equation of state for, 424
work on, 44–45
Nonideal solutions
enthalpy of, 277–279
entropy of, 277–278
Gibbs energy of, 276–277
partial molar quantities in, 275–276
phase diagrams of, 282–290
liquid-vapor, 282–284f, 282–285
solid-liquid, 285–288, 285–288f
solid-liquid with compounds, 288–289f,
three-component, 290, 290f
solute thermodynamic properties with,
Non-Newtonian fluids, 453
Nonpolar covalent bonds, 881
Nonpolarized electrode.SeeIdeal depolarized
Nonsimple systems, equilibrium criteria
for, 157
Nonspecifically adsorbed ions, 597
Nonvolatile solutes, activities of, 267–274
Debye–Hückel theory, 270–274
Gibbs–Duhem integration, 267–270
Normal coordinates, 938
Normal melting temperature, 28
Normal modes, of vibration, 937–939,
of hydrogen atom orbitals, 749–751
of LCAOMOs, 837
ofΦFunctions, 731–732
of probability distributions, 385, 394
of wave functions, 697–698
Normalization integral, 1290
Normalized, spherical harmonic functions,
733, 734t
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