Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1381

Spontaneous processes, in closed systems,
152–154, 195
Square integrable, function, 1256
Square matrix, 1249
Square well potential, for intermolecular
forces, 421, 421f
Standard deviation, 399, 705
of a function, 400
of probability distribution, 399–400, 399f
variance of, 705
Standard normal distribution, 399, 706
Standard pressure, for Gibbs energy, 175
Standard state
activity and, 259
chemical potential, 265
for entropy, 142–143
for Gibbs energy, 175
Henry’s law, 250
of liquid or solid, 87, 142, 178
molality, 253
solute, 263
solvent, 263
Standard state cell voltage, 358
Standard-state cell potential, 362–363f,
Standard-state enthalpy change of formation,
for enthalpy calculation, 87–89
Standard-state Gibbs energy change, 306, 310
for electrolyte solutes, 318
Standard-state pressure, 1096
Standard-state reaction
enthalpy change for, 87
Gibbs energy change for, 316, 343
Standing wave, 629, 630f, 635f
traveling waves and, 638
Stark–Einstein law of photochemical
equivalence, 558, 981
law of corresponding, 33–35
macro and micro, 133
molar enthalpy and, 87
in physical chemistry, 12–19, 13f
of point-mass particles, 387
of a system, 13–14
in classical mechanics, 621
measurements and determination,
work and, 40–50
wave function and, 668
State functions, 13–14, 620.See alsoWave

entropy, 114
internal energy, 58
State point, in state space, 42
State space
of closed fluid system, 42
curve in, 42, 43f
reversible adiabat, 68
State variables, 13–14
Stationary state, of wave function, 697
Statistical case
Heisenburg uncertainty principle, 713–714
position measurements for, 699
predictable case distinguishing from,
wave functions, 698–699, 707–708
Statistical electron correlation, 795
Statistical entropy, 133–138, 148, 1082
interpretation of, 137–138
lattice gas and, 134, 134f
microstate coordination calculation,
thermodynamic entropy and, 136–137,
third law of thermodynamics and,
Statistical mechanics.See alsoClassical
statistical mechanics; Equilibrium
statistical mechanics
heat in, 1117
postulates of, 1042–1043, 1122
work in, 1117
Statistical thermodynamics, 1081–1118
of dilute gas, 1082–1088
activated complex theory, 1106–1115
chemical equilibrium in, 1101–1105
chemical potential, 1087–1088,
electronic energy, 1090–1091
enthalpy, 1086
entropy, 1082–1084, 1095–1098
Gibbs energy, 1088
heat capacity, 1086, 1093–1095
Helmholtz energy, 1087, 1098–1099
internal energy, 1089
pressure, 1084–1085
rotational energy, 1091
translational energy, 1090
vibrational energy, 1091–1092
working equations for, 1089–1100
miscellaneous topics in, 1116–1118
heat and work interpretation, 1117

probability distribution alternate
expression, 1116–1117
statistical entropy and thermodynamic
entropy, 1117–1118
summary for, 1118
Steady state, nonequilibrium, entropy changes
of, 128–129, 129f
Steady-state approximation
for oscillatory chemical reactions, 588
for rate law approximation, 523
with reaction mechanisms, 543–545
Steam distillation, 285
Steam engine, simple, 106–107, 107f
Stefan–Boltzmann law, for blackbody
radiation, 641
Stereochemical specificity, of enzymes, 576
Steric factor, in collision theory, 538
Stern layer.SeeCompact layer
Stimulated emission, of radiation, 953
Stirling’s approximation, 135, 1052–1053
STM.SeeScanning tunneling microscope
Stoichiometric coefficients, in chemical
equations, 87
Stoichiometric molality
of hydrochloric acid, 329–330
of solute, 269
Stokes, George Gabriel, 457
Stoke’s law, 457–458
Stokes lines, 986, 988
Stopped-flow method, for fast reaction study,
515, 516f
STOs.SeeSlater-type orbitals
Strong acids, 318–319
Strong electrolytes, 318
chemical equilibrium in, 328–331
of liquids, 1184–1188, 1206
classical statistical mechanics approach,
1184–1185, 1185f
computer simulations of, 1187–1188
solid-like models, 1186–1187
of solids, 1154–1161, 1155f, 1206
crystal systems and Bravais lattices,
1154–1158, 1155t, 1156–1157f
crystal vibrations, 1162–1170
crystalline solid electronic structures,
X-ray diffraction and Miller indices,
1158–1161, 1159f, 1161f
Strutt, John William, 642
Sublimation, 27–28, 27f
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