Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

502 11 The Rates of Chemical Reactions

When the expressions forGandHare substituted into Eq. (11.3-10) and the resulting
expression is substituted into Eq. (11.3-9), a definite integration gives

a[B] 0 −b[A] 0



[B]t[A] 0
[A]t[B] 0


kft (11.3-11)

This integrated rate law can now be compared with experimental data.

Exercise 11.14
Verify Eq. (11.3-11) by carrying out the integration.


Assume that for the reaction

NO+O 3 −→NO 2 +O 2

[NO] 0  1. 00 × 10 −^6 mol L−^1 and [O 3 ] 0  5. 00 × 10 −^7 mol L−^1. Find the concentration
of O 3 after 3.50 s.
Let O 3 be denoted by A and NO be denoted by B. Use of Eq. (11.3-11) withab1 gives,
with some manipulation:

[B] 0 −x
[A] 0 −x

[B] 0
[A] 0
exp[kt([B] 0 −[A] 0 )]

Using the values given, solution of the equation givesx 4. 73 × 10 −^7 and [O 3 ] 0. 27 ×
10 −^7 mol L−^1.

Exercise 11.15
Carry out the mathematical steps to verify the solution of the preceding example.

The Method of Initial Rates

Consider the hypothetical reaction

aA+bB+fF−→products (11.3-12)

We assume the reaction has definite orders so that the initial rate is

rinitialkf[A]a 0 [B]β 0 [F]φ 0 ≈−






Several experiments are carried out with the same values of [B] 0 and [F] 0 but
with different values of [A] 0. The initial rate is determined for each experiment. We

ln(rinitial)ln(kf[B]β 0 [F]φ 0 )+αln([A] 0 ) (11.3-14)
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