Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

15.1 De Broglie Waves 655

As assumed by de Broglie

Mismatch–contrary to assumption

Figure 15.1 De Broglie Waves around a Closed Orbit.(a) An integral number of
wavelengths on the circumference. (b) Not an integral number of wavelengths on the

de Broglie presented his doctoral dissertation containing this proposal, the examining
committee accepted the dissertation but refused to believe that it corresponded to phys-
ical reality. The wave nature of ordinary objects is not observable because of the small
wavelengths that occur.


Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a baseball of mass 5.1 oz thrown at 95 miles per hour.

6. 6261 × 10 −^34 Js
(5.1oz)(95mih−^1 )

16 oz

0 .4536 kg

3600 s

1609 m

 1. 1 × 10 −^34 m

The smallness of this value suggests why matter waves are not observed for baseballs.

The mass of electrons is so small that de Broglie suggested at his final oral
examination that electron diffraction by crystals could verify his theory. In 1927,
Davisson and Germer^2 accidentally grew a single crystal while heating a piece of
nickel. When they irradiated this nickel crystal with a beam of electrons, they observed
diffraction effects, verifying the existence of de Broglie’s matter waves.

Exercise 15.1
Find the speed of electrons with a de Broglie wavelength equal to 2.15× 10 −^10 m, the lattice
spacing in a nickel crystal.

(^2) C. J. Davisson and L. H. Germer,Phys. Rev., 30 , 705 (1927).

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