Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

892 21 The Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules

21.34Obtain access to any of the common computer programs
that will solve the Hückel molecular orbital problem for
various molecules. You will have to find out how the
necessary information is put into the computer.
a.Run the program for benzene and for 1,3,5-hexatriene.
Compare the results and explain the differences.
b.Run the program for cyclobutadiene and for
1,3-butadiene. Compare the results and explain the

21.35Obtain access to any of the common computer programs
that will carry out the Hückel method. You will have to
find out how the necessary information is put into the
computer. Run the program for cyclooctatetraene and for
1,3,5,7-octatetraene. Compare the results and explain the

21.7 The Free-Electron Molecular Orbital Method

In the free-electron molecular orbital (FEMO) method delocalized molecular orbitals
are represented by particle-in-a-box wave functions. As an example, we discuss the
pi electrons in 1,3-butadiene, assuming that the sigma-bond framework has been
separately treated. The experimental carbon–carbon bond lengths are 146 pm for the
center bond and 134 pm for two outer bonds.^8 The orbital regions must extend beyond
the nuclei at the ends of the molecule, so we assign the length of the box in which the pi
electrons move to be the sum of the three bond lengths plus one additional bond length
at each end. If the extra bond length is taken as the average of the two bond lengths, a
total box length of 694 pm (6.94 Å) is obtained.
The energy eigenfunctions and energy levels of a particle in a box are given by
Eqs. (15.3-10) and (15.3-11):







, (21.7-1)


h^2 n^2
8 ma^2


whereais the length of the box andnis a quantum number (a positive integer). The
energy values are nondegenerate. Since we have four electrons, the Aufbau principle
gives the ground-state wave function (including only the pi electrons) without anti-
symmetrization as

Ψgsψ 1 (1)α(1)ψ 1 (2)β(2)ψ 2 (3)α(3)ψ 2 (4)β(4) (21.7-3)

The ground-state pi-electron energy is


8 ma^2

(1^2 + 12 + 22 + 22 )

10 h^2
8 ma^2


(^8) K. Kuchitsu, F. Tsutomu, and Y. Morino,J. Mol Struct., 37 , 2074 (1962).

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