74 2 Work, Heat, and Energy: The First Law of Thermodynamics
2.5 Enthalpy
Many liquid systems in the laboratory are contained in vessels that are open to the
atmosphere and are thus maintained at a nearly constant pressure.^4 For convenient
analysis of constant-pressure processes we define a new variable, denoted byHand
called the enthalpy:
HU+PV (definition of the enthalpy) (2.5-1)
The enthalpy is a state function becauseU,P, andVare state functions.
Consider a simple system with a pressure that remains equal to a constant external
pressure. We will refer to these conditions simply asconstant-pressure conditionsand
assume thatP(transferred)PPext. For a process under such conditions,
dw−PextdV−PdV (constant pressure) (2.5-2)
This expression fordwis the same as that for reversible processes, Eq. (2.1-11). We
do not assert that all processes that occur at constant pressure are reversible processes,
but only that the reversible expression fordwapplies. If the volume changes fromV 1
toV 2 at constant pressure,
PdV−P(V 2 −V 1 )
(simple system, constant pressure) (2.5-3)
The heat transferred to the system is given by
dqdU−dwdU+PdV (simple system, constant pressure) (2.5-4)
From Eq. (2.5-1)
dHdU+PdV+VdP (2.5-5)
At constant pressure theVdPterm vanishes, so that
dqdH (simple system, constant pressure) (2.5-6)
For a finite process,
q∆H (simple system, constant pressure) (2.5-7)
Althoughqis generally path-dependent, it is path-independent for constant-pressure
processes, for whichq∆H. Enthalpy changes of constant-pressure processes are
sometimes called “heats” of the processes.
(^4) The extreme observed sea-level barometric pressures are 1083.8 mbar (1.069 atm) and 877 mbar
(0.866 atm):Guinness Book of World Records, Guinness, 1998, p. 95.