The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

15-ArbPric-ContState/Time Page 463 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:08 PM

Arbitrage Pricing: Continuous-State, Continuous-Time Models 463

It can be demonstrated by direct computation that the above for-
mula is equal to the Black-Scholes option pricing formula presented ear-
lier in this chapter.


In the continuous-state, continuous-time setting, a market is said to be
complete if any finite-variance random variable Y can be obtained as the
terminal value at time T of a self-financing trading strategy θ: Y = θTXT.
A fundamental theorem of arbitrage pricing states that, in the absence
of arbitrage, a market is complete if and only if there is a unique equiv-
alent martingale measure. This is condition can be made more specific
given that the market is populated with assets that follow Itô processes.
Suppose that the price process is X = (V,S^1 ,...,SN–1) where, as in the pre-
vious section:

dSt = μtdt + σtdBt

dVt = rVtdt

and B is a standard Brownian motion B = (B^1 ,...,BD) in RD.
It can be demonstrated that markets are complete if and only if
rank(σ) = d almost everywhere. This condition should be compared with
the conditions for completeness we established in the discrete-state set-
ting in the previous chapter. In that setting, we demonstrated that mar-
kets are complete if and only if the number of linearly independent price
processes is equal to the maximum number of branches leaving a node.
In fact, market completeness is equivalent to the possibility of solving a
linear system with as many equations as branches leaving each node.
In the present continuous-state setting, there are infinite states and
so we need different types of considerations. Roughly speaking, each
price process (which is an Itô process) depends on D independent
sources of uncertainty as we assume that the standard Brownian motion
is D-dimensional. In a finite-state setting this means that, if processes
are Markovian, at each time step any process can jump to D different
values. The market is complete if there are D independent price pro-
cesses. Note that the number D is arbitrary.
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