The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

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20-Term Structure Page 639 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:33 PM

Term Structure Modeling and Valuation of Bonds and Bond Options 639

dXs= μ(Xs ,t)dt + σ(Xs,t)dBˆ

where dBˆ s is a standard Brownian motion under an equivalent mar-
tingale measure Q. In the single factor case, the short rate process it
follows an Itô process

dis= μ(is ,t)dt + σ(is,t)dBˆ

■ Step 2. Compute the arbitrage-free price of a zero-coupon bond using
the theory of arbitrage-free pricing under an equivalent martingale
measure according to which the price Λu t at time t of a zero-coupon
bond with face-value 1 maturing at time u is

uis() sd
u = EQ
t e

Λ ∫t


■ Step 3. Use the Feynman-Kac formula to show that Λut = Fi( t,t),
which solves the following PDE:

∂Fx t( , ) 1 ∂ ( , ( ,
Fx t) ∂Fx t)
--------------------+ ---σ , , ( ,
(xt)----------------------+ μ(xt)--------------------– xF x t) = 0
∂t^2 ∂x^2 ∂x

with boundary conditions F(x,T) = 1.

The above methodology can be immediately extended to cover the
pricing of a class of interest-rate derivatives whose payoff can be
expressed as a function of short-term interest rates or, alternatively, as a
function of bond prices. Consider, first, the case of a derivative security
whose payoff is given by two functions h(it,t) and g(iτ,τ), which specify,
respectively, the continuous payoff rate and the final payoff at a speci-
fied date τ≤T. This specification covers a rather broad class of deriva-
tive securities and bond optionality, including European options on
zero-coupon bonds, swaps, caps and floors.
The general arbitrage pricing theory (see Chapter 15) can be imme-
diately applied. The price at time t of a derivative security defined as
above is the following extension of the bond pricing formula:

τ uis() sd is() sd

Q ∫t

( ∫t


Fi(t,t) = Et ∫e his,s) sd + e gi(τ, τ)

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