iCreate - UK (2021-07)

(Antfer) #1

Discover iOS 15

More intelligence
With iOS 15, Apple has ramped up the
Intelligence of your device – a collective term
for a number of enhanced features to help you
discover and find new things. For example,
Live Text has been added to Photos that lets
you capture text from any image (such as a
handwritten note, whiteboard presentation,
etc) just by tapping a button in the corner of
the screen. You will then be able to interact
with this text as if it were normal typed text, and
copy and paste it into other apps. Live Text also
goes further in allowing you to tap and drag
on any text within a photo to look up place
names or call numbers, and works across seven
languages. Fantastic!
Also implemented into Photos is Visual
Look Up, a clever tool that picks out objects
of interest within photos that you can tap on
for more information, such as the breed of a
dog or a type of flower. Photos have also been
added to the Spotlight search tool, so you can
find the images you need without even having
to browse through your library. The power of
this feature is immense and you can even find
photos by typing in any text depicted in them.
Spotlight also now features enhanced contact
info. Just start typing the name of a person and
you’ll be presented with all of the tools needed
to contact them, as well as recent messages,
meetings, emails, etc.

New in Maps
Apple has added a new Google Earth-
style globe for you to spin and explore,
and has really gone to town in adding
richer detail to the word’s busiest cities.
There is more detail in key landmarks,
different road colours and labels, and it
even sports a ‘Night Mode’ whereby the
cities are presented in moonlight.

Live Text has been
added to Photos.
This letsyou capture
text from any
image. System-wide
translation also means
you can translate
foreign text in photos
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