Textbook of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

___ Orthographic Projections 5.27

Problem: A line CD 40 mm long is in V.P. and inclined to H.P. The top view measures 30 mm. The
end C is 10 mm above H.P. Draw the projections of the line. Determine its inclination with H.P.

Solution: (Fig. 5.35).

x----~----~~--~------y Cf+---:;.;:.....----t d

Fig. 5.35

Problem: A line AB 45 mm long is in H.P. and inclined to v.P. The end A is 15 mm in front ofV.P.
The length of the front view is 35 mm. Draw the projections of the line. Determine its inclination
with V.P.
Solution: (Fig. 5.36).

a,I+---~--+I^35 b'

Fig. 5.36

Problem: A line AB, 50mm long, has its end A in both the H.P. and the V.P. It is inclined at 300 to
the H.P. and at 450 to the v.P. Draw its projections.·
Solution: (Fig. 5.3 7).
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