Essentials of Ecology

(Darren Dugan) #1


graphs or maps in the book’s Supplements (see
pp. S7, S14, and S27).

■ Research Frontier boxes list key areas of cutting-

edge research, with links to such research provided
on the website for this book (see pp. 71, 96, and

■ Green Career items in the text list various green

careers with further information found on the web-
site for this book (see pp. 72, 73, and 244).

■ Student projects listed by chapter are found in Sup-

plement 10, pp. S59–S60. Some instructors may
find these useful for getting students more deeply
involved in key environmental issues.

■ Active Graphing exercises in CengageNOW for many

chapters that involve students in the graphing and
evaluation of data.

■ Improved flow and content based on input from

47 new reviewers (identified by an asterisk in the
List of Reviewers on pp. xx–xxii).

■ More than 2,000 updates based on information and

data published in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008.

■ Integration of material on the growing ecological

and economic impacts of China. (See Index cita-
tions for China.)

■ Many new or expanded topics including expanded

treatment of ecological footprints (Figures 1-9,
p. 14, and 1-10, p. 15, and ecological footprint
calculations at the end of a number of chapters);
additional maps of global economic, population,
hunger, health, and waste production data (Sup-
plement 3, pp. S10–S19); revisiting Easter Island
(p. 31); tipping points (p. 46); tropical forest losses
(p. 50); hurricanes and New Orleans (pp. 177–178);
tropical forest fragmentation (p. 195); vultures
and rabies (p. 197); disappearing honeybees
(pp. 202–203); threatened polar bears (p. 203);
Jane Goodall (p. 205); effects of gray wolves on
the Yellowstone ecosystem (p. 235); Blackfoot
reconciliation ecology (pp. 244–245); restoring
mangroves (p. 255); and endangered marine turtles
(pp. 259–260).

In-Text Study Aids

Each chapter begins with a list of key questions and con-

cepts showing how the chapter is organized and what

students will be learning. When a new term is intro-
duced and defined, it is printed in boldface type, and all

such terms are summarized in the glossary at the end
of the book and highlighted in review questions at the

end of each chapter.
Sixty-sixThinking About exercises reinforce learning

by asking students to think critically about the implica-

tions of various environmental issues and solutions im-
mediately after they are discussed in the text. The cap-

tions of many figures contain questions that involve stu-
dents in thinking about and evaluating their content.

Each chapter ends with a Review section containing a
detailed set of review questions that include all chapter
key terms in boldface (p. 75), followed by a set of Criti-
cal Thinking (p. 180) questions to encourage students
to think critically and apply what they have learned to
their lives.

Supplements for Students

A multitude of electronic supplements available to stu-
dents take the learning experience beyond the textbook:
■ CengageNOW is an online learning tool that helps
students access their unique study needs. Students
take a pre-test and a personalized study plan pro-
vides them with specific resources for review. A
post-test then identifies content that might require
further study. How Do I Prepare tutorials, another
feature of CengageNOW, walk students through
basic math, chemistry, and study skills to help
them brush up quickly and be ready to succeed
in their course.
■ WebTutor on WebCT or Blackboard provides quali-
fied adopters of this textbook with access to a full
array of study tools, including flash cards, practice
quizzes, animations, exercises, and web links.
■ Audio Study Tools. Students can download these use-
ful study aids, which contain valuable information
such as reviews of important concepts, key terms,
questions, clarifications of common misconcep-
tions, and study tips.
■ Access to InfoTrac® College Edition for teachers
and students using CengageNOW and WebTutor on
WebCT or Blackboard. This fully searchable online
library gives users access to complete environmen-
tal articles from several hundred current periodicals
and others dating back over 20 years.
The following materials for this textbook are avail-
able on the companion website at

■ Chapter Summaries help guide student reading and
study of each chapter.
■ Flash Cards and Glossary allow students to test their
mastery of each chapter’s Key Terms.
■ Chapter Tests provide multiple-choice practice quizzes.
■ Information on a variety of Green Careers.
■ Readings list major books and articles consulted in
writing each chapter and include suggestions for
articles, books, and websites that provide additional
■ What Can You Do? offers students resources for what
they can do to effect individual change on key en-
vironmental issues.
■ Weblinks and Research Frontier Links offer an exten-
sive list of websites with news and research related
to each chapter.
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